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Help Loch Lomond Brewery grow with crowdfunding
Loch Lomond Brewery have been making beer since 2011 and have been growing steadily over the years. They've won multiple awards including CAMRA Champion Beer of Scotland 2017 and SIBA Scotland Champion Cask Beer and Bottle Beer 2017. 🍺
As well as accolades, Loch Lomond beer is stocked across the U.K. in M&S, Morrisons, Aldi and Lidl.
To keep growing, more investment is needed. Loch Lomond Brewery would like to double production, invest in state of the art production equipment, as well as a brewery/ tap-room on the shores of Loch Lomond by 2020.
If you would like to join the community of Loch Lomond Brewery investors and brand champions all click here.
Help Loch Lomond Brewery Grow Fun: World Cup Drinking Game