Release the mounds…and shake your euphemism!
A surprising number of people arrive at My Heart-Shaped World when they search for the lyrics to Blue Man Group‘s “Shake Your Euphemism” – and they find this September post celebrating the heart-shaped “jiggle twins” in Blue Man Group’s stage graphics (see photo below).
I certainly don’t want to disappoint those who come seeking lyrics, so I’ve posted them below the photo. (Note that there are different versions of “Shake Your Euphemism.” The lyrics below align with the performance that starts at 1:02 in this YouTube video.)

Heart-shaped “mounds of mischief” in The Blue Man Group’s stage set design for Shake It Up: Made in Japan
Blue Man Group’s “Shake Your Euphemism” Lyrics
It is time now to create the ultimate dance party.
To take things over the top, you need to start shaking your rear end.
Or as some people call it…
Your hindquarters
Your backside
Your buttocks
Your heiny
Your keister
Your tush
Your buns
Your gluteus tote-bag
Your bubble pop
Your medicine ball
Your sonic boom
Your sit-biscuit
Your posterior
Your subwoofer
Your horn section
Your monster truck
Your mag wheels
Your life’s work
The Outback
Your cousin’s apartment
Ladies and gentlemen, please stand up and
It’s time to shake that freckle-muffin
The place where all burritos go
It’s time to bake that turkey stuffin’
Tweedledee and Tweedledum
Dance to the beat that the DJ cuts
There’s no “if”s or “and”s
Let’s get it going, keep it going – don’t stop
Let’s get it going, keep it going – don’t stop
Let’s get it going, keep it going – don’t stop
Use your bum to stir that soup
And shake it all around like the
Blue Man Group!
Shake it ’til you bake it
Shake it ’til you wake it
Shake it ’til you make it
Shake it, shake it, shake it!
Your dance catcher
Under the thunder
The stabilizer
Shake your carry-on luggage
The Bobbsey Twins
Your growing personal following
Shake your boomwhacker
Your reporter at large
Or in this case, very large
Shake the flounder
That’s rounder
Than a giant quarter pounder
Shake it, shake it, shake it!