The p e r f e c t breakfast recipe for the looming Valentine's weekend.
A handful of weekends ago, I woke up and decided it would be a day of at-home brunching, Netflix (that was the day I watched the entirety of Making A Murderer on Netflix and decided I'd become a supersleuth) and quietly whittling away at some side projects. And, if an at-home brunch or breakfast can get me out of bed, then it's certainly worth sharing! I thought it'd be the ideal recipe to share as Valentine's Day creeps up on us, too!
Meet my heart-shaped eggs in toast...
Now this is a fairly uncomplicated recipe, but adorable and satisfying nonetheless.
It probably takes all of 15 minutes to prepare and a further 15 to cook, and it'd be a lovely thing for your other half/best friend/human-you-appreciate-lots to wake up to on a regular Sunday or Valentine's Day, right? I've seen similar concoctions - far more complicated than this! - on Pinterest, but here's how I assembled mine:
To serve 2, you'll need:
- 2 slices of toast (thick cut or you could layer two slices like I did, making that 4 slices!)
- Rashers of bacon to your preference
- 2 medium eggs
- A sprinkling of parmesan cheese
- Salt and cracked black pepper
- Two avocadoes!
- A knob of butter
- A fresh lime
A chopping board
Knife or heart-shaped cookie cutter (I used the former!)
A deep(ish) pan
Your oven
1. Firstly, you'll need to create your heart-shaped toasts. Pre-heat your oven on a grill setting. Bring out the chopping board and get to work with either pressing your cookie cutter into the center of the bread, or simply carve your own, like I did! I can confirm they're relatively easy to create!
2. Butter one side of your bread and plop it into your pan, butter side down. (I had an... accident with my baking tray, hence my use of a pan!) Brush the edges of the open side of your bread with a little butter to grease it.
3. Next, you can crack your eggs into each slice of bread. Be gentle to keep the yolk intact.
4. Grab a handful of parmesan cheese - we like to indulge around these parts - and sprinkle atop the egg. Here you can season with salt and pepper, if you wish.
5. Layer your bacon in the pan, just around the toast. Swing the pan in your oven at about 200.
6. Slice up your avocado and place in a bowl. Season generously with salt, pepper, and a squeeze of a fresh lime.
7. After about 15-20 minutes, bring the pan out. Your toast should be gently toasted around the edges and bottom, the eggs centres white, firm yet fluffy, and the bacon perfectly crisp.
8. Plate up, & serve in bed along with your avo bowl and a twice-sweetened tea, fresh orange juice or lovingly prepared coffee!
9. Instagram your creation and tag me (heh) at @winyeemichelle.
... A very happy Valentine's day to you from me and my kitchen. ♥