Food & Drink Magazine

Healthy Bread Brands

By Thepickyeater @pickyeaterblog

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There are so many varieties of bread lining supermarket shelves these days, it can be hard to figure out which is the best to buy. On top of that, many bread brands claim to be healthy but actually aren't. I love bread, which is why I created this comprehensive guide to help you find the 13 healthiest bread brands at the grocery store, what to consider when buying bread, and what types of bread to avoid!

I'm a health coach and nutritionist, and I have taste-tested every single one of the brands I recommend, so you can be sure that these bread brands are not only good for you, but they taste great too!

Most people assume that because I'm a nutritionist, that I don't eat bread. So people are usually surprised when I say that bread is one of my favorite things to eat. I love the smell of fresh bread in the morning, whole grains, and all of the ways you can use bread in recipes.

Bread has gotten a really bad reputation because of various diet fads: no-carb, gluten-free, paleo, etc. It's been vilified as the cause for everything from weight gain, to inflammation, to diabetes, to digestion issues and more.

The truth is, most bread is overly processed, high in sugar, and high in simple carbohydrates - which can cause a variety of health issues.

But there are types of bread that can actually be really good for you and won'tcause all of these problems! That's what you'll find in this post: how to find the healthiest bread, and how to avoid bread that looks healthy but actually isn't!

How To Choose The Healthiest Bread

What To Look For

  • Sprouted grains or whole wheat: Sprouted wheat or other whole grains are one of the first ingredients you should look for
  • Less than 2 grams of sugar per slice: No added sugar, no added sweeteners on the ingredients list
  • No high-fructose corn syrup
  • At least 2 grams of fiber per serving
  • Around 100 calories per slice
  • All natural ingredients are key when making bread without preservatives: The easiest way to determine this is to make sure the ingredients list only has simple ingredients that you can pronounce. If you can't pronounce it, it is likely a preservative or stabilizer that is not necessary in bread
  • Healthy fats: Such as olive oil, or avocado oil, or seeds like flax or chia
  • Organic and/or Non-GMO: If available, always choose organic

Ingredient List To AVOID When Buying Bread

  • Anything with "enriched," "bleached," or "unbleached" as part of the first ingredient: "Enriched wheat" essentially means "white flour". Be wary of "wheat" or even "100% whole wheat" - some breads will have this as an ingredient but aren't truly made with whole-grain flour, and are still highly processed and refined.
  • Anything with less than 2 grams of fiber per serving
  • Anything with raisins, dried fruits, cinnamon, banana, honey, or vanilla listed on the packaging
  • Dough conditioners (like azodicarbonamide, DATEM, monoglycerides, diglycerides, sodium stearoyl lactylate): these are just chemicals added to the bread to make the bread making process faster and scalable to big batches. They're not necessary for real bread, and if these ingredients are on the label, it's a good sign that the bread isn't truly healthy.
  • GMO ingredients like soybean oil and corn oil
  • Preservatives (like calcium propionate) or stabilizers like maltodextrin: bread isn't supposed to be able to last on the counter for 1-2 weeks without getting hard and moldy. If you see any ingredients you can't pronounce, it's likely a preservative so put the bread down and find another option.
  • Added sugar: If your bread has yeast, it will likely have a tiny bit of honey or sugar because you need sugar to activate yeast. That being said, anything over 2 grams per slice is unnecessary. Watch out for high fructose corn syrup, any kind of syrup or artificial sweeteners added to bread. This is especially true for light breads.
  • Artificial flavors and coloring: Caramel coloring is often added to fake "wheat" breads to make them seem more brown. If you see this on the label, avoid that bread!
Healthy Bread Brands

Top 13 Healthiest Bread Brands

My personal favorite type of bread is sprouted wheat bread, which is available in most health food stores and conventional grocery stores in the freezer section. But there are other great options too - so you should be able to find at least one of the loaves of bread in my list below at your local grocery store!

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The Worst Popular Bread Brands To Buy

The bread brands I've listed above are all great options and are healthy for you! But what I've noticed is at the grocery store, there can be 50 different types of bread to choose from, and most of them look healthy but actually aren't!

Here are some popular bread brands that seem healthy, with labels like "whole wheat" and "whole grain" - but they actually are not good for you at all. See below for why I wouldn't recommend any of these brands.

When you look closely at the ingredients lists for many popular bread brands, you'll notice a surprising number of processed ingredients, added sugar, and refined grains. These extra additives take away from the healthiness of the bread. That's why I always recommend choosing bread without preservatives, it's fresher, cleaner, and better for you! Avoid brands with overly long ingredient lists and stick to simpler, natural options.

Ingredients Lists For Popular Bread Brands

I have bolded the ingredients that are ultra-processed and should be avoided when buying bread - and as you'll notice, none of the bolded ingredients below are in any of the healthy breads I recommend in my list above, which means that they really aren't necessary in order to make delicious bread!

Ingredients To Avoid Ingredients To Avoid Ingredients To Avoid Ingredients To Avoid


Why Are Sprouted Grain Breads Healthy?

Sprouted grains are actually, technically, vegetables or legumes. To begin the sprouting process, you soak the entire grain in water until it begins to sprout into a little plant. These sprouts are then ground up to make bread. Also, when grains are sprouted, starches and proteins are converted into smaller molecules that are easier to digest.
That means sprouted bread offers more key nutrients like essential amino acids, iron, minerals, and B vitamins than standard whole-grain or even 100% whole wheat varieties. Sprouting grains also decreases their carb content, which means that sprouted breads can help with blood sugar control.
They can also be a good source of protein - one slice of bread can contain up to 5 grams of protein! My two personal favorite sprouted grain loaves of bread are the Ezekiel Bread - 4:9 Sprouted Flax Bread, and the Silver Hills Bakery Little Big Bread. There are no-preservatives in these loaves of bread, so I freeze them and take out slices as I need them.

Why is white bread unhealthy?

Wheat grains, used to make bread, are made up of 3 parts: the germ, endosperm, and bran. The bran is the outer layer of the grain, and it's where most of the nutrients are!
The bran and germ together contain protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber. The endosperm, on the other hand, is basically refined starch. White bread is made up of grains where the bran and germ are removed, so it's just the refined starch part of the grain. That's why whole grains and whole wheat are higher in fiber and nutrients than white grains, because processed white grains have removed the bran and germ.
Eating white bread, white crackers, white pasta, white rice (anything with white flour) are simple carbohydrates, not complex carbohydrates, which makes them less nutrient dense than whole grains.

Is Sourdough Bread Healthy?

Sourdough is healthier than white bread. It is made through a fermentation process which uses both bacteria and yeast to help make the dough rise. Fermentation creates an enzyme called phytase, which helps to lower phytate levels in the bread. This is important because phytates in bread bind to other minerals like iron and zinc, and impair their absorption in the body.
Additionally, sourdough contains prebiotics that helps keep your gut bacteria in balance, and makes the bread more easily digestible. Prebiotics are "food" for probiotics, which are healthy bacteria - and the two together promote gut health. Consuming sourdough, especially whole wheat sourdough, is also less likely to spike your blood sugar levels, because it is digested more slowly than traditional bread.

Is Rye Bread Healthy?

Rye bread when made at home, or store-bought made without preservatives, and added sugars, is a healthy alternative to white bread. It is usually made with rye flour, and wholemeal flour, both are less processed than white flour. Rye grain bread is darker in color and has a sour and earthy flavor. It also tends to have more fiber, and micronutrients, including B vitamins. It is also more filling than regular bread, and is less likely to cause your blood sugar to spike.

Is Pita Bread Healthy?

Most traditional pita bread is made with white flour, so it's not healthy and is more of a refined grain. But whole wheat or even sprouted wheat pita bread is a healthy choice and will act similarly to sprouted wheat bread in your body. One whole pita bread is typically higher in calories than 1 slice of sprouted wheat bread, so keep that in mind when you're planning your meals.

What Is The Healthiest Bread For Weight Loss?

Any sprouted wheat bread will be the best bread for weight loss. Ezekiel / Food For Life Bread or Dave's Killer breads are pretty widely available, so I would recommend those to start! I wouldn't necessarily choose gluten-free bread for weight loss specifically unless you have a diagnosed allergy to gluten.

Can I Eat Bread And Still Lose Weight?

Yes! The key is portion control, and making sure you're not eating any refined grains (white bread) .If you choose sprouted wheat bread and stick to 2 slices per day (max), along with a balanced diet with lots of fresh produce, you can absolutely eat bread and still lose weight!

What Is The Healthiest Bread At Subway?

To be quite honest, none of the breads at Subway are truly whole grain breads. All of them are made with refined grains and preservatives, and aren't the healthiest option. However, if you are at Subway there are still better choices you can make! The healthiest bread at Subway is likely the 9-grain Wheat. It's the lowest in calories at 180 calories, has 4 grams of fiber and 8 grams of protein.

Final Thoughts

I hope this guide was helpful for you and made navigating the bread aisle a little easier! If you ever forget specific bread brands, just remember to look for the basics: sprouted grains, bread without preservatives or dough conditioners, and simple ingredients you can actually pronounce. Another great rule of thumb to keep in mind: if the bread is in the freezer section it's a good sign that it's healthy. If you have any questions, be sure to leave a comment below - I respond to every comment I get!

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