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Healthiest Chinese Food Options: 12 Great Takeaway Dishes

By Elliefrost @adikt_blog

When it's six o'clock and everyone asks what we're going to eat: "Let's order Chinese food!" might not sound like the most ideal takeout choice if you're someone trying to eat healthier (especially when it comes to American-Chinese food versus traditional). But feel free to get excited, because you can definitely find nutritious options spread across those huge menus.

'Often the problem is not that the food itself is unhealthy, but that the ratio between carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables is not the most balanced " says Laura Iu, RD, a certified intuitive eating consultant in New York City. If that ratio is off, you'll be riding the blood sugar rollercoaster that can take you from feeling super full to feeling strangely hungry in an hour. not to mention that your energy levels will zoom up and down as well.

But none of this should stop you from enjoying a little takeaway every now and then. We asked nutritionists about some of theirs healthiest Chinese dishes plus their best menu hacks to get even more nutrients.

1. Moo Goo Gai Pan

This Cantonese dish has it all. Although the name translates to mushrooms and sliced ​​chicken, you'll also score a variety of other vegetables that go beyond the basics, like water chestnuts, snow peas, and bamboo shoots. If your Chinese takeout restaurant uses shiitake mushrooms instead of the white button type, you'll be loading a vitamin D, an immune-boosting nutrient not found in many foods except milk, egg yolks and fish. Water chestnuts, a popular ingredient, are an aquatic vegetable that provides as much heart-healthy potassium per serving as a banana. The sauce is also "lighter than many others in Chinese cuisine because it is made from chicken stock, a little soy sauce, garlic and ginger," says Iu.

It's fine to enjoy white rice, too, but if you like the taste of brown rice, consider trading that for additional whole grain benefits, like extra fiber and vitamins.

2. Steamed fish and vegetables

While you might think of steamed dishes as the sad diet food of recent years, this preparation style is actually a primary cooking technique that is culturally authentic to Chinese cuisine, Iu explains. "Choosing a steamed dish is more authentic than choosing General Tso's Chicken," Iu adds. Takeaway menus usually offer a mild-tasting variety of protein-rich white fish, such as sole, and combine them with mixed vegetables. Add the vegetables fiber an important nutrient for digestion and heart health.

If you have the opportunity to choose or add Chinese eggplant as a vegetable, go for it. It has fewer seeds than Western varieties and becomes creamy and tender when stir-fried, providing fiber and anthocyanins, or powerful antioxidants.

3. Szechuan tofu

This vegan Sichuan dish is fire - and not just because it's spicy. Crispy tofu cubes provide plant-based protein while the sauce is made anti-inflammatory ingredients such as garlic, ginger and chili peppers. Together they make a heart-healthy combination that your taste buds will love. Many restaurants even let you specify how much spice you want (if you can handle the heat, turn it up a notch to get even more of the chili's anti-inflammatory capsein). Mapo Tofu is a similar version that usually contains ground meat such as pork.

Szechuan tofu tends to be low in vegetables, so add a side dish of steamed vegetables-a strategy that's smart to follow for just about any entree. "Protein plus lots of veggies is the recipe for ordering success," says Jaclyn London, RD, podcast host and author of Dressing on the Side (and Other Diet Myths Debunked).

4. Shrimp with broccoli in garlic sauce

This popular takeout choice is also one of the healthiest. "Shrimp with broccoli in garlic sauce is my favorite Chinese takeaway dish," says London. Low in calories but high in lean protein, Shrimp delivers a boatload of immune-supporting selenium and a dose of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. In the meantime, broccoli provides fiber and contains substances that can help fight inflammation and even some forms of cancer.

You may have heard the advice to order sauce with it if you choose this dish or similar dishes such as chicken and broccoli, but unless that is an option on the menu, don't. This could seem culturally insensitive, because ordering something like fettuccine with a side of Alfredo sauce at an Italian restaurant is not common, Iu says.

5. Beef and broccoli

Nutritionists have no problem with this dish - Steak is a good source of protein and contains more iron than chickenso you score more this essential mineral that helps maintain stable energy and oxygen-rich red blood cells. "The dish is usually made with a lean cut of beef, such as flank steak or sirloin, and served with an abundance of broccoli that adds fiber to the meal," London adds.

Because the broccoli soaks up a lot of sauce, you can ask if the chef can make your order with low-sodium soy sauce. If that's not possible, make sure you drink enough water with meals so your body can get rid of the excess sodium.

6. Chicken with Bok Choy

You can delve into this underrated gem in the extensive chicken section of the menu. Thin, tender pieces of protein-rich lean chicken breast are combined with fried bok choy, a green leafy vegetable, also known as Chinese cabbage, that provides vitamins C and A.

If you don't see this dish on the menu but see bok choy as an ingredient in something else, see if you can make it yourself. Ask if you can replace bok choy (instead of string beans, for example) with another chicken and vegetable dish. Or you may see bok choy and mushrooms as an option under the vegetarian section of some menus, and if so, you can simply request that they add chicken to that dish.

7. Egg drop soup

Completely starving when you walk into a Chinese restaurant? Order soup as a starter and the egg drop is great. "It's actually made with eggs, so it has quite a bit of protein," says London. You'll also benefit from anti-inflammatory ingredients like ginger, scallions and garlic.

Try to resist eating the free fried noodles from your soup; they're ultra-processed and fried, which means they're packed with unhealthy fats and other not-so-healthy stuff. "If you're craving noodles, it's healthier to simply order lo mein or chow fun as part of your meal," says London.

8. Spring rolls

When it comes to healthy choices, the entree selection at many Chinese restaurants is usually a flop as it is packed with fried items. "You'll find a lot more gems in the entrees than in the apps," says London. One bright spot: spring rolls. They are a healthier alternative to egg rolls because they are usually made with a light rice paper wrapper and more vegetables.

Share the order of spring rolls with your table companions so you have more room for the healthier entrees, or save half and pack them with the rest of your leftovers.

9. Cucumber salad

If you see this dish on the menu's appetizer or side dish, order it as an appetizer. Compared to fried apps, sliced ​​cukes in a dressing made with vinegar, soy sauce, garlic and chili flakes are a refreshing and nutritious alternative. " This salad offers a flavorful way to promote hydration, digestion, and immune function," says Iu.

If this dish is becoming one of your favorites, put your Chinese food cravings to good use by trying other types of cucumber salad recipes at home - you might find new healthy dishes to add to your rotation, and kids who don't like lettuce salad they may discover that they enjoy a crunchy, juicy cucumber instead.

10. Steamed dumplings

Chinese restaurants usually offer a choice between fried and steamed dumplings - and often you can select the filling as well. Here's a good rule of thumb: opt for steamed rather than fried, and go for the vegetable or shrimp if you're looking for the lightest filling option, and if you order a meat filling, choose ones that specify a specific protein (such as pork or chicken) versus just 'meat'.

Dumplings are the perfect dish to build a meal around when you're just looking for a light bite. In this case, order a protein filling and combine your dumplings with some vegetables.

11. Lo Mein or Chow fun with veggies or protein

When a craving for noodles strikes, London approves of honoring it. After all, both noodle dishes contain... vegetables and proteins to provide nutritious satisfaction. To enhance the nutrition of lo mein, you have two options: order it with a protein source (like chicken or pork) and mix in an extra side of veggies, or follow Iu's lead and go for vegetarian lo mein with a protein-based entree (her go-to is honey walnut shrimp).

Satisfy any food craving (yes, even the less healthy ones!) by eating family style. That means you order a few dishes that suit you better, plus a delicious, less healthy choice. That way everyone can enjoy a few bites of everything and a variety of flavors.

12. White or brown rice

Surprise, nutritionists say you can choose your favorite. "The nutrient density of white and brown rice is fairly similar, so unless you feel like you're not getting enough whole grains, it's fine to choose either one," says London. While rice helps balance vegetarian or protein-rich dishes, she cautions against eating too much of it. "The other food on your plate has so much more flavor," she says.

If you know how to use chopsticks, grab some from your kitchen or request them with your takeout order. In one small study, participants had lower blood sugar levels when they ate white rice with chopsticks instead of using a spoon, likely because this slowed down their consumption.

Healthiest Chinese Food Options: 12 Great Takeaway Dishes

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