When it comes to starting a family, one of the most important details to think about is healthcare. While many young people don’t see the need for healthcare, once a new child is introduced to their family they start to think twice about it. Infants need specialized care, and this increases a new family’s need for options in their health care.
Currently, the United States citizens receive health care mainly through private insurers, but they also offer public programs for the elderly and impoverished. Additionally, the affordable care act combines both the private and public sectors in providing health care to our nation. There are different options to consider when deciding what level of care is best for your family. Companies like USHealth Group offer advice on insurance, and options for coverage. Making sure you are educated on all your options is paramount to the health of your new family.
Private Insurance
The vast majority of Americans receive private healthcare, which is provided either part or fully through an employer. In addition, many have the option to stay on a parent’s health care plan until the age of 26, offering more options for younger people who may not be able to afford good care.
Private insurance can be offered on just one plan, or through a variety of different plans which offer different coverages and options. USHealth Group insurance plans allow patients to choose from a wide range of health care services and providers. Many options are good for new families.
One drawback to private insurance is the cost. If not provided through an employer, the cost of private insurance can be too much to handle, especially for a new family trying to establish themselves financially.
Fortunately, there is a new options recently for families that need private insurance but also need help with the costs. The Affordable Care Act, or better known as Obamacare has allowed Americans to now purchase private health care plans through a public marketplace at a reduced cost. While the transactions are done through the government, the money is given to the private insurers who citizens choose as their providers. You could say it is a mix of the two systems.
Public Insurance
When talking about true public health care there are two options. First, Medicare provides health care to the elderly that cannot afford private insurance. Also, Medicaid provides health care to those living in poverty.
Unfortunately, many Americans are not eligible for either of these programs. The threshold for eligibility is very low for Medicaid, and most households make over the required amount. Additionally, Medicare is only offered to the elderly which means that new families aren’t eligible.
The shortcomings of the public health care systems ultimately led to the Affordable Care Act. The government has now teamed up with private insurers to offer a wider range of quality coverages at lower prices than they would find if they bought the insurance themselves. The one drawback of this is that a penalty is applied to those that don’t buy insurance. The new law is forcing people to buy health care, but is also offering them a cheaper way to do so.
Which is best for My Family?
When it comes to picking a health care provider for your family, there will be some difficult decisions to make. It will depend on what you’re eligible for, where you work, how much money you make, and other factors.
Private Care can be costly, but will offer your family the most comprehensive range of coverages for your new family. However, Obamacare can assist in purchasing quality insurance for those with lower incomes.
The public systems, Medicare and Medicaid, exclude many American’s from being eligible, including those that are about to start families. If your employer does not pay for or help pay for your insurance, the most affordable place to gain coverage could be through the healthcare marketplace. Whatever you decide, it could affect the overall health of your family. Make sure you exhaust all your options before making a decision.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
How did you handle your families insurance after you found out that you were expecting?
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