It is not unknown that individuals who practice some of this kind of horrific behavior toward women and young girls served, currently serve or have been considered to serve in church leadership, both lay and pastoral. I have no opposition to preventing leadership opportunities for these individuals and have done so in the past.
A number of years ago, I have been told there was a survey done by a woman’s magazine, seeking to learn what the primary concerns were for women around the world. They expected to hear about lack of opportunity, concerns for the future of their children or things along that lines. Instead, they discovered that a huge concern of women around the globe relates to the fear of abuse by the men in their lives. Actually, I should probably say the “males” in their lives, because I don’t believe that males who act that way are any way indicative of true manhood. I am sorry, women, that there are those of my gender who think they have the right to treat you that way. And I am pleased when I hear of laws and efforts to help turn that tide. And I am pleased at places like that shelter in South Africa - that seeks to be an effective refuge for women who have suffered this abuse. Frankly, this is one of the reasons I believe that, as long as the world is as sinful as it is, God knows there must be a place for divorce. I have known women crippled for life as they chose to stay in marriages and suffer time and again. We hear news reports of women killed by their abusers.I think God knew what he was doing when he made provision for divorce in the Bible, and though it isn’t spelled out precisely, I think God’s heart and compassion are with those who suffer in such marriages and desperately need to find a way out. Somehow, I am always reminded of the way Jesus responded to the woman taken in adultery. A group of angry and self-righteous men were standing ready to bludgeon her to death with stones, and Jesus forced them to take a long hard look at themselves first. (Point of thought - if she was caught in the act, why there wasn’t a man down there to be stoned along with her…?)
I will be praying, too, and do what I can to make a difference as opportunity arises.