Society Magazine

Head Spinning !! - Cleanse, Keep Oneself Clean !!

Posted on the 03 December 2024 by Sampathkumar Sampath

When someone calls – your head turns, can it spin or turn at these angles ?

Head spinning !!  -  cleanse, keep oneself clean !!

Most of us are unlikely to recognize it with the general formula (RCO2)M+;yetour days mostly start with them !!   In organic chemistry, a carboxylate is the conjugate base of a carboxylic acid, RCOO− (or RCO−2). It is an anion, an ion with negative charge. -what?

Keeping oneself is very essential – animals and birds are perhaps better than humans !! Soap solubilizes particles and grime, which can then be separated from the article being cleaned.

Soap is a salt of a fatty acid (sometimes other carboxylic acids) used for cleaning and lubricating products as well as other applications. In a domestic setting, soaps, specifically "toilet soaps", are surfactants usually used for washing, bathing, and other types of housekeeping. In industrial settings, soaps are used as thickeners, components of some lubricants, emulsifiers, and catalysts.Soap solubilizes particles and grime, which can then be separated from the article being cleaned. The insoluble oil/fat "dirt" become associated inside micelles, tiny spheres formed from soap molecules with polar hydrophilic (water-attracting) groups on the outside and encasing a lipophilic (fat-attracting) pocket, which shields the oil/fat molecules from the water, making them soluble. Anything that is soluble will be washed away with the water.

In my younger days, this jingle was too catchy ~ those were the days of advertising in radio – not the visual media…. Still Lifebuoy could create a relationship of its red coloured product likened to a red-brick to health :ஆரோக்கியவாழ்வினையேகாப்பதுலைஃப்பாய்! ~ ~ லைப்பாய்எவ்விடமோஆரோக்கியம்அவ்விடமே! [Hindi equivalent : 'Lifebuoy hai jahan tandurusti hai wahan']

Inside our minds the message got in – that the big, red, chunky bar of soapcould keep us healthy…….. read somewhere that the first container of Lifebuoy soaps landed in Bombay harbor way back in 1895 …….. some other source state thatit commands a market share close to 15% ~ a catchy brand name linked to rescue at sea that ‘lifebuoy’ would save lives….. was it too masculine targeting a particular segment alone ?~ later it showed boys playing hockey and hard sports, then taking bath with this hard soap….

A soap opera is a radio or television serial dealing especially with domestic situations and frequently characterized by melodrama and sentimentality. The term soap opera originated from radio dramas being sponsored by soap manufacturers. BBC Radio's The Archers, first broadcast in 1950, is the world's longest-running radio soap opera; the world's longest-running television soap opera is Coronation Street, first broadcast on ITV in 1960. A crucial element that defines the soap opera is the open-ended serial nature of the narrative, with stories spanning several episodes.

Interesting ! –if anyone thought of the ‘soap’ that is used in Offices and Societies, me relaxing at home, is not going to office anylonger !!

Regards – S Sampathkumar

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