The rain beat down on the ole mini van as the girls sang along to Taylor Swift in the back. Driving out of our neighborhood, my husband stops the van and jumps out. There was money in the middle of the road. In the pouring down rain. Just laying there like someone placed it right in that spot. He jumps back into the van laughing and holding up the money.
” I thought it was more than $11, but isn’t this cool!”
Being the Charismatic snake handling weirdos we are, I immediately looked up what the number 11 means in Biblical terms. From what I could find it means a number of things, but one thing stood out to us:
Fulfillment of prophecies, and promises.
I know everyone thinks I am super honest on this blog, which I am. I don’t lie about my life, or knowing everything there is about parenting or raising a baby monkey. Although I let people into my life, I am guarded as to what I share and when. But today, today I am doing something very different. Perhaps a come to Jesus meeting on my blog. We need prayer peeps.
Those that have read my book know that we lived in a farm house that was 200 years old, seemed older now that I look back on it. We moved into the current house we are in, and have had some issues with the Property management, and the owner of the home. The house is not well insulated, so our Electric bills are anywhere from $300-$700 a month. It’s not a large home, but apparently large enough to dip into the savings account we don’t have.
There are many things wrong with the home that the owner doesn’t have the funds to fix, so we are blamed for things breaking, pipes bursting, and a plethora of other things.
We have been looking for a home to purchase for a couple of months now, and we are exhausted. We are irritable, and we are ready to be settled. I cannot tell you how many times we have cried out to God for a home of our own after having to fix yet another thing in this home that we don’t even own.
It’s getting to the point where we need Jesus to give us a miracle home. We need His guidance and His goodness to fall upon our household. We need Him to move, like yesterday.
With that being said, after we got home from running a few errands ( and getting rich with our $11 ) I went into our room to change. I noticed that my bible was spread out on the floor ( where I did not leave it ) opened to Psalms. My most favorite book in the bible. I bent down to read it, and was taken away by His perfect timing for everything.
I wept reading both pages as I felt they were written just for me.
How can a young person live a clean life?
By carefully reading the map of your Word.
I’m single-minded in pursuit of you;
don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted.
I’ve banked your promises in the vault of my heart
so I won’t sin myself bankrupt.
Be blessed, God;
train me in your ways of wise living.
I’ll transfer to my lips
all the counsel that comes from your mouth;
I delight far more in what you tell me about living
than in gathering a pile of riches.
I ponder every morsel of wisdom from you,
I attentively watch how you’ve done it.
I relish everything you’ve told me of life,
I won’t forget a word of it.
17-24 Be generous with me and I’ll live a full life;
not for a minute will I take my eyes off your road.
Open my eyes so I can see
what you show me of your miracle-wonders.
I’m a stranger in these parts;
give me clear directions.
My soul is starved and hungry, ravenous!—
insatiable for your nourishing commands.
And those who think they know so much,
ignoring everything you tell them—let them have it!
Don’t let them mock and humiliate me;
I’ve been careful to do just what you said.
While bad neighbors maliciously gossip about me,
I’m absorbed in pondering your wise counsel.
Yes, your sayings on life are what give me delight;
I listen to them as to good neighbors!25-32 I’m feeling terrible—I couldn’t feel worse!
Get me on my feet again. You promised, remember?
When I told my story, you responded;
train me well in your deep wisdom.
Help me understand these things inside and out
so I can ponder your miracle-wonders.
My sad life’s dilapidated, a falling-down barn;
build me up again by your Word.
Barricade the road that goes Nowhere;
grace me with your clear revelation.
I choose the true road to Somewhere,
I post your road signs at every curve and corner.
I grasp and cling to whatever you tell me;
God, don’t let me down!
I’ll run the course you lay out for me
if you’ll just show me how.
That’s good stuff right there.
Today He has shown me in the smallest details of my life that He cares. He is working, and He has not forgotten us.
I am asking my blog readers to say a prayer for us tonight. Just a simple prayer, like this:
” Lord, please help the Haggertys find a home of their own. Please direct their path. Amen.”
I bless you tonight as you read this, and I thank you for praying for us.
What are your prayer requests?