Whether it be knowing the proper pronunciation of French delicacies, or extolling “Third Wave” coffee preparations, being a self-proclaimed “foodie” entails a degree of snobbery. I’m guilty as charged. I take an unreasonable level of pride in my ability to walk through a produce section and identify fruits and vegetables, a talent steeped in the humble beginnings of a high-school, grocery-store, cashiering position. Yet as the saying goes, pride cometh before the fall, and in my case, I ate dirt in the cabbage patch.
Know Your Veggies, Image One
In an effort to promote the Urban Farmer’s labor of love, I lend a hand on the social media front every now and then. Noting the beauty of the growing kale, I posted a picture to Instagram and then continued to weed and mulch. As we prepared a salad later that night, the Urban Farmer ever so gently told me he had to remove my post. I instantly panicked in that way perfectionists do, waiting to hear what grave faux-pas I had committed. “You wrote ‘kale,’ but you took a picture of cabbage.” So much for grocery store accolades. When it comes to the field, I’m a very humbled newbie.
Know Your Veggies, Image Two
In the spirit of my ignorance, I thought we’d play a little game and learn together because perhaps, like me, your knowledge of fruits and vegetables prior to their Whole Foods displays is insufficient. Here we go! Hum your own jingle (does it sound vaguely like Jeopardy?), put pencil (more forgiving) to paper, scroll through this post, don’t cheat, and identify these veggies! Answers at the bottom. Bonus points for identifying the weeds too! Hint: one of them is linked to lucid dreaming!
Know Your Veggies, Image Three
Know Your Veggies, Image Four
Know Your Veggies, Image Five
Know Your Veggies, Image Six
Know Your Veggies, Image Seven
Know Your Veggies, Image Eight
Know Your Veggies, Image Nine
I don’t trust you cheaters, so the answers are after the jump.
Thanks for playing!
Hazelwood Urban Farms is the labor of love of my love, the Urban Farmer. His goal is to bring fresh food to vacant lots in a food desert. My goal is to share his story and find the perfect recipes for his crops. You can follow the farm on Facebook and Instagram, where I may occasionally mis-label vegetables in their infancy.
The “Know Your Veggies” Quiz Answers:
Image One: Kohlrabi (I especially liked the Urban Farmer’s kohlrabi post)
Image Two: Brussels Sprouts
Image Three: Crookneck Squash
Image Four: Dill
Image Five: Shishito Peppers
Image Six: Rainbow Chard
Image Seven: Hot Banana Peppers (this one was a freebie)
Image Eight: Sweet Chocolate Peppers
Image Nine: Okra
As for the predominant weed, it’s Mugwort, and supposedly, this aromatic leads to lucid dreams. I believe it!
How’d you do? It’s tough, right? If you failed miserably, don’t feel bad. Even the Urban Farmer had to think a bit.