Environment Magazine

Having Trouble Finding the Right Mattress? Here’s a Quick FAQ to Help You Out!

By Gfl

Many of the first time mattress buyers don’t have any idea about the types of mattresses, their features, designs, styles, etc. This is the reason why they face many problems when they go out to buy a mattress like what size to buy, which feature to prefer, which brand to choose, etc. All these problems leave them confused.

So if you want to avoid all this confusion, you must read on.

Different Problems you may face in Mattress shopping with solutions:

1. What Size should I Buy?

The first question arising in your mind is of the size of the mattress to buy. The different sizes are Single size, Double Size, Queen size and King size. If you are single, you must purchase a single size; if you are a couple, then you must go for a double size. While if you are married with children, then Queen size or King size can suit you. Although these are standard suggestions, your choice can vary if you have habits like rolling sideways in sleep, sleepwalking, etc.

2. Which brand should I choose?

Once you decide the size, you also face some different mattress brands to choose from. Now, you must beware because not always a brand with a big name delivers good quality. Many customers face disappointment after opting for a big brand instead of quality. So before doing such a thing, you must research properly to see which brand delivers quality which matches its brand image. After this research, you will have clarity over which brand is the best in quality and fame.

3. Which product has best features?

Now this question is very complicated and has many different aspects to it. Start with listing out your requirements like, do you want a contouring mattress or a firm hard surfaced mattress, Do you want a smooth, silky surface or do you want an old-fashioned rough surface, Do you have any health conditions like back pain or not? After listing all the requirements, now all you have to do is shortlist all the products which match your requirements like for instance foam mattress is contouring, while coil mattress has a hard surface with lesser cushioning.

4. What if several products are similar in features?

In such a case you can do your personalized Product vs. Product analysis. For instance, if you do a foam vs. latex analysis, you can find some differences like foam mattress has contouring feature which latex mattress doesn’t have, while latex has a comparatively smoother surface. By these differences, you can now be more sure about your choice.

Problems do not stop

The problems don’t stop only up to product selection. They also extend to the offers and certain policies. You must make sure not to compromise on the quality due to the offers provided. You must select that product which has optimum quality along with good offers and policies such as gifts, discounts, etc. and also free home delivery, after sale service, etc.


Thus, you must keep in mind that if you are buying a mattress for the first time, you have to conduct a proper in-depth research of a lot of different aspects like the best brand, your size requirement, product features, etc. and only then you must step out to buy. You must also check other add on things like offers and after sale policies.

About the Author

Mandy Bular is a freelance content writer. She has written many good and informative articles on different categories such as technology, health, fashion, education, career, travel etc. She is a featured author at various authoritative blogs in the health and fitness industry and currently associated as a blogger with https://www.memoryfoamtalk.com/

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