
Having Pest Problems in the Office? Here’s Why

Posted on the 16 February 2022 by Lamsiuling

Having Pest Problems in the Office? Here’s Why

Pests are not limited to residential spaces only. They can also appear in office and commercial settings. Especially now that employees are returning to their regular workstations, offices are becoming more susceptible to clutter, dirt, and trash that can attract pests to the workplace. 

Signs of Pest Infestation in the Office

Depending on the type of pest you may have in your workplace, the signs may vary. But here are just a few of the common telltale signs you need to watch out for.

  • Dead Bugs on Floors and Other Surfaces

If you notice dead termites, roaches, bed bugs, and ants on your floors or window sills, there’s a high chance that there are live ones hidden somewhere else. That said, be sure to check the shelves, corners, desks, and carpets for signs of pest infestations.

  • Wood Shavings

Pests like termites and rats enjoy eating through wood. So, when you find wood shavings on your floor, desk, or other surfaces, you may have wood-boring pests hidden within the structures. 

  • Droppings

All pests excrete droppings. They come in different shapes and sizes, but they’re often oval in shape and brown in color. When you find these lying in your office, avoid direct contact as they may be a source of certain diseases. 

  • Gnawing Damages

Rats and mice like to gnaw on various objects like furniture, electrical cords, office equipment, documents, and food packages. Small holes and scratch marks are signs that point towards a rodent infestation.

  • Musty Scent

As naturally dirty creatures, pests like roaches and rats emit an unpleasant odour. But they only become noticeable when these pests are a large number. That said, when you smell something unusual, there’s already a colony of pests hiding in your office.

If you encounter these signs, chances are, you are amidst a potential pest infestation. But even if these signs can help you identify the type of pest you're dealing with, it doesn't necessarily tell you why. 

Reasons for Pest Infestation in the Office

Understanding the factors that contribute to a pest infestation is crucial to creating a safe and healthy environment for everyone. That said, take a look at some of the potential reasons for your problem.

  • Clutter

Unused boxes, uncleaned storage units, and unorganised desks contribute to the clutter of your office. Though it may seem like nothing more than a mess, pests will see your clutter as a possible destination for shelter. 

Rodents, cockroaches, and ants will take this opportunity to create nests in your cluttered space to not only house their colony but also reproduce. When this happens, it will cause major problems for your office.

As a solution, try to keep cabinets and storage units tightly sealed. Make sure to schedule regular Office Cleaning Services to wipe surfaces and keep clutter away.

  • Presence of Food

Besides potential shelter, pests also love food. After your employees finish eating their meals or their snacks in the pantry, they may forget to clean up after themselves. The presence of food crumbs, sauce drops, and even drink spills can attract pests to your office. 

In addition, uncleaned appliances like microwaves and refrigerators can also invite pests to the workplace. So, make sure that all food items are disposed of and cleaned properly to avoid pest infestations. 

  • Pre-Existing Structural Issues

Easily overlooked structural issues like small holes, wall cracks, and window gaps allow pests to enter your office with ease. To prevent this from happening, be sure to reach out to your contractor to fix the problem immediately. 

  • Poor Maintenance

The last reason for a pest infestation is poor maintenance. Without regular office cleaning Singapore services, your office can accumulate dust, dirt, and trash over time, which can atrract pests to your workplace. 

Get Expert Assistance

To avoid future pest infestations, contact pest control experts to eliminate the problem, and don't forget to schedule regular office cleaning services in Singapore to keep your offices clean and pest-free. 

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