Most people thought I was mad or lying, but too bad because it was the truth.
There was also: "Oh I would only dress up like that for an evening out!"
Me: (smiles).
(Thinks: Rully? Well good on you, but I prefer the element of not giving a flying feck thanks) **snort**.
I thought I looked very tame for a quick dash out actually.

She'll help me celebrate turning 45 this month (Capricorn or Aquarius - what's your guess?)
And I hope she'll be my friend and help our family improve its quality of life ... more adventures, less frowning.

So you show me yours and I'll show you mine!

I think it's clever. And beautiful.

She's listing all sorts of treasures nearly everyday and I recommend you take a look and grab a bargain.
She's also a real-life angel and I'm all for putting a good word in for angels-on-earth.

Yeah that's what I said when I spied this vibrant 1970s tablecloth in a fabulous junk shop last week.
Remember my makeover of heinous-lounge-corner-with-ugly-curtains?
Well, I've finally tackled the actual table, which I'd moved to another part of the room.
I packed all of The Phoenix's computer gear, which lived on the table for three years, in neat under-the-bed boxes.
Easily accessible for when he needs to tinker.
My sewing jibber, including sewing machine and a small mountain range of fabrics are stored in secret panels in the center of the 1940s table you're looking at.
Clever huh?
Also easy to get out and pack away.
Now I'm on the hunt for four chairs, preferably mis-matched coz you know I'm not much of a matchy-snatch.

They're even brighter IRL, the pink and orange colours are fluro.
Some spesh chickies will be getting these in the post in a week or two.

Methinks Santa must know me well as these treasures are ringing all my bells!
Thank you mystery person!

I'm going to test out a theory that if I'm happier and please myself more often, my family will be more content too.
Miss Behavin' can live in the tin as a double-reminder:).
And one can never, ever have too many floral headbands.

Two new projects ... woo-hoo warm it up!

Aid for the Blind was chock-full of them a couple of weeks ago and I snaffled this glorious bag on sale for $3.
I like to play guessing games about my op-shopped gear, especially when I find lots of similar stuff in the same shop.
De-cluttering? Bad break-up? Sucked in by K-Mart?

See ya!
Love Desiree xoxo