Image by gabzillaserrano via Flickr
With all do respect to other languages, English is a funny language. Even if all idioms are considered funny when jokes are cracked to make people laugh, nothing beats the level of fun when English language starts cracking its jokes. Perhaps one of its reasons is because most people can speak and understand English, and I sure think this it is. You can honestly play words with this idiom far more versatile compared to other foreign languages.
There are lots of things that make English a very funny language. This may be forms like quotes, jokes, words, phrases, sayings, and even names.
As for this article, I have collected the top 100 funny English names that English enthusiasts will surely laugh for good. Brace yourself with these funny English names.
Adam Zapel (adam’s apple)
Al Bino (albino)
Alf A. Romeo (Alpha Romeo)
Ali Katt (alley cat)
Amanda Lynn (a mandolin)
Andy Friese (antifreeze)
Anita Bath (I need a bath)
Anna Prentice (an apprentice)
Anna Recksiek (anorexic)
Anna Sasin (an assassin)
Anne Teak (antique)
Annette Curtain (a net curtain)
Aretha Holly (a wreath of holly)
Barb Dwyer (barbed wire)
Barb E. Dahl (Barbie doll)
Barbara Seville (barber of Seville)
Barry Cade (barricade)
Bea Minor (be a miner)
Ben Dover (bend over)
Eileen Dover (I leaned over)
Bill Ding (building)
Bill Loney (baloney)
Bob Katz (bob cats)
Tom Katz (tom cats)
Kitty Katz (kitty cats)
Brandon Cattell (branding cattle)
Brandy D. Cantor (brandy decanter)
Brock Lee (broccoli)
Brooke Trout (brook trout)
Cam Payne (campaign)
Candy Barr (candy bar)
Candy Kane (candy cane)
Carrie Oakey (karaoke)
Cheri Pitts (cherry pits)
Chris P. Bacon (crispy bacon)
Claire Annette (clarinet)
Constance Noring (constant snoring)
Dan D. Lyons (dandelions)
Dan Druff (dandruff)
Dinah Soares (dinosaurs)
Don Key (donkey)
Doug Graves (dug graves)
Doug Hole (dug hole)
Dr. Payne (Dr Pain)
Duane Pipe (drain pipe)
Dusty Rhodes (dusty roads)
Edna May (or may not)
Earl E. Bird (early bird)
Earl Lee Riser (early riser)
Easton West (east and west)
Ella Vader (elevator)
Forrest Green (forest green)
Gaye Barr (gay bar)
Hazel Nutt (hazel nut)
Heidi Clare (I declare)
Holly Day (holiday)
Holly Wood (Hollywood)
Hugh Jass (huge ass)
Jean Poole (gene pool)
Jed Dye (Jedi)
Jim Shorts (gym short)
Jo King (joking)
Justin Case (just in case)
Lance Boyle (lance boil)
Leigh King (leaking)
Marsha Mellow (marshmallow)
Mary Christmas (merry christmas)
May Furst (May first)
Mel Loewe (mellow)
Minny van Gogh (mini van go)
Misty Shore (along with Rocky and Sandy)
Mo Lestor (molester)
Mona Lott (moan a lot)
Myles Long (miles long)
Neil Down (kneel down)
Noah Lott (know a lot)
Norma Leigh Lucid (normally lucid)
Olive Yew (I love you)
Oliver Sutton (all of a sudden)
Orson Carte (horse and cart)
Otto Graf (autograph)
Owen Moore (owing more)
Paige Turner (page turner)
Pearl E. Gates (pearly gates)
Pearl E. White (pearly white)
Peg Legge (peg leg)
Polly Ester (polyester)
Raynor Schein (rain or shine)
Rick Shaw (rickshaw)
Sonny Day (sunny day)
Tanya Hyde (tan your hide)
Terry Bull (terrible)
Tim Burr (timber)
Tom Morrow (tomorrow)
Trina Forest (tree in a forest)
Ty Knotts (tie knots)
Warren Peace (war and peace)
I can’t help but laugh at these names. I wonder if these names really exist as names of a specific person. If it does, I hope they wouldn’t take their names seriously and just enjoy that they have names that make other people laugh.
I am also certain that some of these names are only created. It’s funny how they can play such names derived from certain English words. This can only be done by someone who is basically skillful with the English language. It takes skills to make jokes, you know, and it will all be accomplished once you decide to learn English language for yourself.
So when it comes to English language learning, one of the recommended things we are highly recommending to you is to learn English at language schools. Traditional, yes; but is it effective? It sure is!