Fashion Magazine

Have an Attitude of Gratitude

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Be grateful in April

Tomorrow is the First of April. This marks the start of Grateful in April, a month-long campaign which encourages people to actively seek out the good in their lives.

Research (University of California) has found that counting your blessings is an integral part of health, happiness and well-being.

Experiments have shown that those who kept gratitude journals reported fewer health problems and felt more optimistic and motivated than those who noted the negative or did not do either.

Having an attitude of gratitude causes changes in the brain that improve mood, it reduces stress levels and can improve your metabolism and sleep too!

I challenge you to take become grateful in April (I’ve already started a year long gratitude journal on my Instagram account, which you can follow along with @ImogenLamport).

I’d love to see what you’re grateful for, so please tag me in your Instagram (@imogenlamport) so I can enjoy the positive elements in your life.

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