When I mention hate I am not speaking about harming, bothering anyone, or hating others because of their race, the color of their skin, sexual orientation, or other irrational reasons such as that do not make any sense.
I am talking about the normal feelings of dislike toward people, things, or matters among some of us for whatever due to inclines that are a natural part of this life
Everyone is different.
We all have our own points of view and ways of looking at things and all of us are not always going to agree and that is okay because we are not all wired the same.
To me hatred is a strength, and it does not stem from hurt or being hurt.
Love can hurt people, yet love is not considered a weakness or a thing to refrain from feeling.
Just like anger is a natural emotion, so is the hatred of certain things when the feeling is triggered.
There is nothing wrong with getting angry, everything lies in how we deal with, handle and direct that anger.
Emotions often fuel responses, so I never fed into the nonsense of hatred destroying a person or clouding them with mental or spiritual darkness.
People are just afraid of what some people will do to others out of hatred so they use untrue manipulating psychology to sway a person within their thinking and perception of the root in where hatred stems from or will take one.
For some people, hatred reflects their hurt and may lead them down a path of unhappiness, bitterness, or even destruction. However, this is not the case for all individuals, and I know this from experience.
Some people believe that hatred will hold one back, yet this is false- it is people that hold others back on account of not approving of attitudes or dispositions that they may hold or have.
People who do not get along with a certain group of individuals may get along just fine when they are in the company of those who they relate to or connect with.
Just as hatred can make some people furious and want to kill so can love.
Some people would kill another in vengeance if someone they loved were brutally and unjustifiable harmed, but they would not respond in the same manner in regard for someone they hated. So that person is not considered a threat in that circumstance.
I am not saying this example of explanation is necessarily acceptable, I am just stating the effect in which the emotions are apt to react.
We are all responsible for our actions when we are consciously aware. Some people are confused or misled and deserve understanding and not blame.
Nevertheless, hatred or dislike can be a feeling that people feel for others without the hatred having any negative affect in their lives or within their bearing.
Hatred can be a boost used positively and productively.
There are things and people that I strongly dislike but that does not spoil my “inner personal” joy or fulfillment. I naturally manifest good vibrational energy around my aura that I can feel because of the spirit that resides within me.
Hatred is not an issue that I spend or contend daily moments with. There is no dwelling within the feeling, just an acknowledgement of its existence.
I am rooted within the love that sustains me and nothing can overshadow that.
In life there is balance whereas a negative could be a positive or a positive could be a negative- there is not one without the other. When this reality is accepted there is no need to find a flaw as a result in how the natural alignments are weighed. –latoya lawrence