Friends have told me just hire someone, it's not that expensive. But really I just wanted to do it myself AND I wanted to somehow connect this blog and not have to start over with a new blog as well.
So ....I started looking into it for the umpteenth time this past week when the only thing left on my to do list was clean and rearrange the studio and all the art on all the walls in my house and unpack all the boxes of art from past shows. Gulp...didn't want to go there yet...and I've heard Wix.com is easy to publish by yourself.
Well I picked a template and started one- then sent it to my daughter to check it over. Ummm, she tells me "not to be rude, but you've made a big mess of it, would you mind if I had a go with it? This is something that would be really fun for me." Music to my ears!! No, not at all honey... that would be awesome!
She did a great job. Thank you Katherine!
Check it out here: boiseartist.wix.com/pammcknight