Debate Magazine

Has the Administration Joined Our Enemies?

Posted on the 17 February 2015 by Hughvw
'The Obama Administration consistently genuflects at the altar of political correctness and broadcasts the diplomatic desire not to offend, seemingly more concerned with protecting the sensitivities of Islamists than the lives of their victims. This administration's egotism is only exceeded by their inability to grasp the extent of their own ignorance.
In contrast, U.S. Marines did not struggle to understand or combat the fanaticism and brutality of the Imperial Japanese military during World War Two, dampening the enthusiasm for such savage behavior with overwhelming firepower.
In the apparent attempts to dismiss Islamic extremism, Obama frequently engages in equivocation and moral equivalency as he did recently at the National Prayer Breakfast comparing the actions of the Islamic State to those of the Christian crusaders a thousand years ago.
It is the systematic suppression of facts or the altering of history that advances and sustains the self-defeating policies of the Obama Administration. It is as if the government has enlisted in the ranks of our enemies and is bearing arms against us...."--Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq.  Read it all

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