Harvey Petito is an American model and was born on 22 October 2003 in Ohio, USA. Her home town is Ohio and nationality American. He was born in his mother's home in Ohio, USA. Right now, she is 17 years 9 months 21 days old (last updated, 2020). She is currently a professional model in the United States. She is a well-known model in the United States and another neighboring country. She is a very skilled American model.
Harvey Petito Height, Weight and Body Measurement
Figure measurements and physical statistics: Harvey Petito is 5 feet 4 inches and weighs 70 KG. His body measures 32 inches. that He has dark hair and dark black eyes.
Our site had updated Harvey Petito income, cars, salary, lifestyle, and many other details. Let's check it out. How rich is Harvey Petito in 2020? Harvey Petito Net worth: $ 2 million to $ 10 million. Harvey Petito is a famous and famous The sample From the United States. The major and primary source of his income is the model.
We have shared Harvey Petito's updated 2020 net worth details such as monthly, salary, car, annual income, assets below. Following Wikipedia, IMDB, a Forbes on-line resource, acknowledges that the model Harvey Petito has total assets of $ 2 million to $ 10 million and earned 50,000 USD to 200,000 USD monthly. She is 17 years 9 months 21 days old. He made cash a professional model. Harvey Petito is based in Ohio, USA.
The most supply of cash for Harvey petito is The sample Currently, we do not have enough knowledge related to vehicles, fortnightly / annual salaries, and so on. We are currently changing.
Walk on it He was born on 22 October 2003 in Ohio, United States.
He is 17 years 9 months 21 days old.
Youtube, Facebook, Wiki, And instagram.