Finding inspiration from Harry Potter is rather easy. You can find something that everyone will like. Unlike the Weasley’s the Dursley’s have a more feminine with a slight hint of sophistication home. The Dursley’s are not a likeable bunch, but you can see some lovely decor in their home. The neutral striped wallpaper, big framed wall art, little room under the stairs, floral print, large standing lamps, wall sconce, big display cabinet, the beautiful round dining room table all makes this a wonderfully splendid home.

This is my take on the Dursley house

^^ I love these sconce. Its a beautifully modern take on the classic looking sconce seen in the Dursley house.

^^I really like the look of wallpaper and this one is just something special. Don’t even get me started on my love of stripes.

^^ Harry doesn’t live under these stairs, but these are sure good ideas. A small guest loo that is sure to impress to your guest and bring out the child in you and a lovely reading spot, it just makes me crave stairs.

^^ Large framed art. Art grouping just looks pleasing to the eye.

^^ This is a lovely standing lamp that will just look good in any room.

^^ I’m not the biggest fan of floral, but these curtains makes me giddy with excitement. Its feminine and soft that makes this area feel lovely.

^^ I love this display cabinet, its a modern take on that slightly outdated cabinet seen in the Dursley house.

^^ There is just something about a round dining room table, it feels more intimate in a away and really can make a room look open and breezy
Maybe now you will like the Dursley’s just a tad!
Happy Friday everyone.