Its time for another Harry Potter home inspiration post! and today’s inspiration comes from GRYFFINDOR! and the crowd goes wild.

Gryffindor was founded by Godric Gryffindor, the characteristics for Gryffindor consists of; courage, chivalry and determination. Personally I don’t think I would have landed a spot in Gryffindor, but I think we all have a little Gryffindor inside of us.
Finding home inspiration from Gryffindor is rather easy. With all those velvet couches, big pPersianrugs, dramatic fireplaces, reading nook and huge wooden cabinets. You just want to become a star quidditch playing, brave, but ever so reckless, with just a hint of arrogance Gryffindor.

Now lets take a look at my version of the Gryffindor dormitories!

^^ Now these are a great take on the Gryffindor couches and they still look comfy enough, for a long relaxing nap after learning about spells and potions.

^^ It just wouldn’t be Hogwarts without a fire place and the Gryffindor dormitories are no different. These fireplaces range from the overly dramatic to minimalistic, but yet all of them have that drama you want.

^^ Lets just take a second to talk about how incredible this sliding bookcase is. Its magical just to gaze upon it! Sign me up for one of those, right now!

^^ Big clunky bookcases have never looked so good, right?

^^ I’ve always had a thing for large Persian rugs, but boy, do they have a large price tag to go with the largeness of the carpet. These are absolutely breathtaking, I truly believe that blue one should be in my house right now.

^^ The one thing I love about Harry Potter, is the way it can make you giddy and these fireplace reading nooks, just speak to my heart. They SPEAK to it!

^^ You know you can’t go to Hogwarts without your trunk, and with all those outrageously small side tables in the Gryffindor dorm, you will have to use your trunk as a pretty table.

^^ This was the only red bedding I liked, it suits the room so well and you know you have to represent your colours.

^^ and the best for last the four poster beds that just bring out the Prince an Princess inside of us. I mean wizard and witch.
Happy Friday everyone. I hope you have found some home inspiration, if you are going on a shopping spree this weekend, if not have fun!