Religion Magazine

Haredi Paper Publishes Warning About Protecting Children from Sexual Abusers

By Gldmeier @gldmeier

If you live in Bet Shemesh and read the Haredi weekly newspaper Chadash, you might have been surprised to see page 2 in the English section.
Page 2, the inside of the back page, was an entire page of information of how to protect one's children from sexual predators. In a Haredi newspaper! The world is definitely changing. Slowly, but surely.
To me the page looked like an ad, rather than an article. But even if so (I asked Magen if they ran this as an ad, and the response I received was that they had not, had nothing to do with it, and had no knowledge of it), it was an ad that the newspaper accepted and published.
Unfortunately, I only found this page on the English side, and found no equivalent in the Hebrew section of the paper. Obviously it is not just English-speakers who need to be concerned about such things. Perhaps they were simply not "daring" enough to try to sneak it past their Hebrew censors, while maybe the English side has more leeway. Still, despite not being in Hebrew, a start is a start and for the first time they actually published something on this very serous issue!

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