Religion Magazine

Haredi Mother Training to Be El Al Pilot

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
According to reports in Yediot Achronot, a Haredi woman from a Haredi community in the Jerusalem region, has applied for, and gotten accepted to, a pilots course with El Al.
Nechama is a thirty-something woman, mother of three.She got around the standard method of pilot candidates coming with air force pilot experience, because she desired it to greatly. To get around the lack of flight experience, she reportedly traveled annually to the USA to fly and accrue the necessary flight hours.
source: Kikar and Shemeshnet
According to the Shemeshnet article Nechama is actually from the Bet Shemesh region. And I have it on good authority that she is actually from RBS.
Kol hakavod to Nechama. She shows us that you can follow your dreams and succeed, even against strong odds.
And this is great, as long as she does not also have a haredi co-pilot. If that would happen he might refuse to sit next to her during the flight! Sorry, I couldn't resist the humor... :-)
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