As with many cocktails, the origin of eggnog is uncertain. But this we do know: the great American barkeeper Harry Craddock, king of the American Bar at the Savoy Hotel, popularised the drink in this country.
So in honor of Harry, of his country, of Yanks in London and of Thanksgiving, here’s his recipe from the indispensable Savoy Cocktail Book (we're working from our battered and well-loved 1965 printing). No less a British authority than Delia Smith considers Harry’s recipe to be definitive.
There are innumerable variants – and, of course, heated debate about “rules” regarding eggnog – but we love the simplicity of Harry’s recipe…
You will need
1 egg 1 tablespoon sugar 2 oz any spirit desired
Fill glass with milk
Shake ingredients well and strain into long tumbler. Grate a little nutmeg on top.
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