Fashion Magazine

Happy Party Feet... and Christmas Competition!

By Annamoss84 @missanniebean
I have a confession to make...  If you've ever noticed on a nightout I was always carry an oversized clutch bag and wondered why? The sad truth is that I just dont get on with heels.  I know, I can't believe I said that either, but what I mean is I will have a back up pair of flats in my bags for the times when shoes have crippled my feet, or I've had too many shandy pops and are more like to go over on my heels and cause more damage.  I like to think of it as somewhat genius, but my smaller clutch bags are starting to feel neglected...
With party season edging all the more closer I was approached my Kaleidoscope to host a little competition.  Now part of the campaign was to review a pair of shoes complete with party feet sos... In the form of party feet foot gels and some other key must-haves.  I've never actually used them before until last weekend when I went out, I won't lie I was very impressed but not so much on the helping handy of party feet but how incredibly comfortable the shoes were. 
Without sounding old (goodness I know I do), but my Mum has always told me after damaging her feet with bad shoes in her younger days that investing in quality leather shoes is a wise move.  I have very much done the whole buy shoes because they're cheap, then subsquently got blisters or hurt myself because they're badly made.  To be honest I can actually see how looking at my feet how I've damaged them from doing just that. 
Moving back to the Kaleidoscope party season footwear, I have been eyeing up some of their shoes and obviously when the pair I was sent arrived I couldn't wait to try them.  I've never really looked into their ranges or appreciated how well made their items are, but these  AW14 Premium Leather High-Cut Sandals black heels smelt so rich of the smooth leather and felt like a glove.  This was the first time I didn't ditch my heels for flats on the way home... That was even after a few martinis! 
I've had some style ideas for these articular shoes.... 
The Party Frock Party Frock

The Stylish TrousersTrouser style
Rocking It In Jeans
Rocking it in jeans
To celebrate this wonderful revelation for my feet (and the fact I can finally use a small clutch without smuggling flats out), I am giving away the same pair as I have! Hurray!  Just a little Christmas treat from myself and the lovely team at Kaledescope. 
All you need to do is tell me your top tip for a Christmas night out.... Leave your comment below with you email and I'll pick the best!  
Good luck! 

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