Happy 2013 from Tennis Fixation!
It’s time, once again, for Tennis Fixation’s annual list of top tennis resolutions to adopt in the new year. Adopt one, two or all of these to see big improvement in your tennis game in the new year!
Resolution No. 1 – Play more tennis! This is an obvious and easy way to take your game to the next level. Put in the hours on the court – either in matches, lessons or drills – and you’ll see a quick payoff in your tennis play.
Resolution No. 2 – Get “fit to hit” in the new year. If your only workout is your weekly tennis match, you really aren’t getting too much of a workout. You’ll see big changes in your weekly game, however, by adding some other exercise routines and improving your fitness. You can increase your on-court stamina and your hitting strength by adding aerobics and weight lifting just two to three times per week.
Resolution No. 3 – Play at a more challenging level. While it can be enjoyable to play against the same players over and over again, it can also be dull. Boring even. And, eventually, it does nothing to improve your game. So challenge yourself in 2013 by playing higher level players in more competitive matches. While it may not feel agreeable in the beginning, you’ll learn to love it when you see how quickly your tennis improves.
Resolution No. 4 – Play more “fun” tennis. If the only matches you play are the ones that “count,” i.e., league matches, consider adding some “fun” matches to your tennis schedule. League and team matches can be anxiety-filled recipes for doing the same old thing. Fun matches give you a chance to try out shots that are new and daring!
Resolution No. 5 – Improve your serve. I resolve to do this every year and 2013 is no exception. So why don’t you also make this the year that you put some real effort into improving your serve and making it something to be proud of? If you want to follow along with my progress on this (and get some great tips that may help you), just follow my “Fix My Serve” series that starts here -Fix My Serve Series – Introduction.

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