Fashion Magazine

Happy New Year: Some Goals for 2018

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

Amy Havins shares her 2018 goalsI honestly cannot believe that another year has come and gone. It’s crazy to think that just  a year ago I was almost 12 weeks pregnant and was about to start phase 2 of our home renovations. I know they say a lot can change in a year but as I look at my sweet (almost) 6 month old baby, I realize how true that phrase really is.

Wade and I attended a wedding Sunday night (New Years Eve) and prior to the ceremony starting we had a cocktail and were discussing our goals for the new year. Like many of you I like to start the year off with goals that I can continue to achieve throughout the year. Some are as simple as trying to balance work & family, putting our phone down more and of course the obvious one of doing better at work. Every year I seem to say the same goals but Sunday night Wade had a really great one and I am for sure stealing it.

A few weeks ago Wade volunteered at a Dallas ISD middle school for their “breakfast with dad” program. He was paired with a couple of middle school boy and got to hang out with them and even teach them how to tie a tie. He absolutely loved this experience and has talked about it frequently. Long story short Wade mentioned that his goal was to be more involved this year with our community. Yes, we do give back but speaking from experience there is something so much more rewarding to be present and involved with the process. It really is amazing how something as simple as teaching a young boy to tie a tie or helping someone with their homework makes such a difference.

So again besides my obvious and somewhat selfish goals for 2018 of putting my phone down more (sad that I even have to make this a goal) and to try and do better with my work; my goal (and yes I am stealing this from Wade) is to be more involved. I also want to add that I am not sharing this information to pat myself on the back but to hold myself accountable.

2017 was an incredible year and I cannot image things getting any better but although it seems impossible every year seems to top the next.. Here’s to another year and checking everything off on my goals list! Happy New Year friends and thank you for following along my little space on the internet. Dallas Wardrobe would not be possible without each and every one of you. xx

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