Debate Magazine

Happy Dependence Day – Antonio F Branco

By Dltmontana

Happy Dependence Day – Antonio F Branco

Antonio F. Branco

About A.F. Branco and his Art

Somewhere between the Far Side and the right side of every issue, sits A.F. Branco at his desk, crafting Comically Incorrect. After years of listening to the squeaky wheel of the left (or the worst wheel of the cart, as Benjamin Franklin put it) advance the cause of radicalism, he decided that he would use the power of his bully palette to advance the conservative movement. The art and humor of the political cartoon has, since the dawn of the Republic, been a way to sway those who might not otherwise be persuaded.

Branco is the epitome of the grassroots underground starving artist. As a young aspirant in the art world, the teacher kicked him out of his high school classroom because the blossoming artist didn’t like drawing fruit. On the G.I. Bill, he eked out of couple of years of college before thinking better of it. Today his liberal art and music friends don’t quite know what to make of him.
He hopes that people enjoy his work, and for the time being he relies on donations to sustain it. With the greatest of gratitude he thanks those who have made donations and encourages others (though not forcefully) to donate to the cause as well. Times are tough, as even they can be during the good times, and for those who can’t spare a dime for donations, he humbly asks that they spread the word if they like the art, forwarding them to the very ends of the earth via e-mail or the various social networks.
God Bless!

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