As a child growing up I had always had an interest in astrology. I use to love reading about the zodiac signs and their origins. I had quite a few books that were located within my home on the subject.
I would purchase the astrology books that were of good quality and of much elaborate detail. One of the most excellent and last one’s that I had read back then was titled “The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need”.
Nowadays my attention is not so focused or eager to grasp onto the captivating knowledge of the zodiac. I’ve already been there and done that. I had my fun learning and delving deeper into the universal influences of the stars and the planets, and so on.
I have advanced to other natural areas of faculty.
I still do on occasion appreciate reading up on my own personal earth sign and the true descriptions of being a full-blooded Taurean.
I did not arrive here on the cusp.
I was born a very proud and beautiful spring baby in the glorious month of May. The spring and the summer are my favorite seasons of the year.
I’ll soon turn the age of thirty-eight without looking at all a day over my twenties.
Decades of ultimately treating myself well has naturally paid off. The fountain of youth shows up all over my face and body.
These days many people do age magnificently depending on their genes or how they may have taken care of themselves.
I stopped celebrating holidays along with my birthday at the age of twelve because to me they were just the usual ordinary days of the week, month, and year. I do not place emphasis on things based primarily on general traditions.
I only place emphasis on the things that truly hold a significant meaning to me within my own life or rights.
Nevertheless, my mother likes to give me tokens of her affection by suggesting to me anything special in particular for my birthday. Sometimes I may approve by accepting a nice gesture from the heart yet most of the time I do not.
I just honestly say “No, that is alright. But thank you”.
Other people have even done this on Christmas even after knowing that I did not celebrate the occasion. A manager of mine on one of my jobs had bought me along with a few other coworkers presents for being an exceptional employee.
“I know you told me that you don’t celebrate Christmas but I got you a gift anyway”, The woman had acknowledged to me at that period.
I get more excitement out of the time and the circumstances that surrounded my birth rather than to just have been born at all.
I am glad that I was born under the zodiacal sign Taurus and I am glad that I was born with a caul.
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