Happy Birthday Stacy!

Yep! Today is my birthday and I'm celebrating it with you!
I know - you all want to ask, How old are you today Stacy... well... don't you all know it's not polite to ask a woman her age? Good thing I don't really consider myself a woman! ha! Nope! I'm just a female with beautiful flaws and a hearty sense of life! And today... I turned 43!
I remember a day when 43 was old to me. Man, when my son was born, I was 21. I used to count ahead and say, hey...I'll be 42 when he is old enough to drink. Well that day came and went...and so did the hangover we both had when we got the chance to celebrate!
Now I look at being 43 as being in one of the best times of my life! A time that I am settled in my life. Have a wonderful family (in-laws included!!!!) and more then one amazing career! I am so very thankful for all that I have! From my amazing family, my police career, my home, my abilities, my writing and so many freaking amazing friends and readers!!!! Thank you everyone!
So in honor of my birthday, I am giving away my two books for Free Today! Yep! Happy Birthday to me - and you get the gifts!!!
Today you can get My Blood Runs Blue and Blue Blood for Life for free on Amazon! If you don't have a kindle, I hope you know that you can still take advantage of this and download the free kindle apps off of Amazon. Just a heads up to my Nook fans... my books will be back there very soon!!
Another exciting thing to know is "Whether I'll Live or Die" is my newest novel and it is set to release one month from today! July 13th I will be launching that novel! I'm so excited about that! It's not to late to sign up for my newsletter and get entered to win one of 10 signed copies!!! You can visit my website and sign up in the top right column! www.stacyeaton.com
So don't forget to jump over to Amazon and grab your free copies today! And if you want to give me a present in return... tell someone else about the book, or better yet, after you read it - let me know you did and post a review!!! That would be an awesome present!
Everyone have a piece of cake for me!! Or a chocolate martini would be even better!!! Here's to another wonderful year!!!