This week Joseph turned nine years old. It we were a normal-sized family, that would mean that my baby is almost double digits, but Joseph is our middle child so we have a long way to go before everyone is in double digits.

Sadly, Brandon had to work, so I took the children to a new park in town without him. But happily, he volunteered to watch Elizabeth and so we got to be free of baby nap schedules. Everyone enjoyed getting out of the house and seeing something new and best of all - not doing school. I enjoyed both myself.
After coming home, I let the children watch a movie in the middle of the day, something that only happens on Christmas. I cooked Joseph's birthday cake, lemon meringue pie, and ordered his birthday dinner, Chinese food.

After dinner, singing, and cake, Joseph finally got to the part of the day he'd been anticipating for weeks - the presents. His siblings pooled their money and bought him an electric train set, and Brandon and I went together with my parents for a LEGO set. With so many toys already here, I don't really want many more filling up the already crowded toy room.

The boys managed to finish the LEGO set before bed, and Joseph got to go to bed a happy boy after a very good birthday. We all got to appreciate Joseph and celebrate having him as part of our family. It was a good day for everyone.