Family Magazine

Happy Birthday, Joseph!

By Sherwoods
Last week Joseph turned seven.  I remember when seven was a Very Big Age, but seven doesn't seem that big anymore when you have three other children that have already reached that milestone years before.
Happy Birthday, Joseph!
Joseph chose to go bowling and have Chinese food to celebrate his birthday.  We don't have birthday parties (I'm too lazy) and instead have a special day together as a family.  After a little internet searching, I found a bowling alley (somewhat) close by and we went and gave it a try.  
Happy Birthday, Joseph!
Happy Birthday, Joseph!
It turned out to be very nice and very empty on a Monday morning (Veteran's Day holiday), which was just fine with us.
Happy Birthday, Joseph!
The children all enjoyed themselves, probably making all the employees cringe with their horrible form, but having fun nevertheless.  The children had bumpers, which is the only explanation I can come up with for why Eleanor spanked all of us, including Brandon.
Happy Birthday, Joseph!
Afterwards we had lunch at our favorite Chinese hole-in-the-wall restaurant.  When the food is so amazingly good, you can forgive just about any decor.
Happy Birthday, Joseph!
We couldn't find the candles, so Joseph got to blow out a regular candle instead.  As long as there's fire, evidently it counts.
Happy Birthday, Joseph!
Joseph was very happy with all his presents.  But, who wouldn't be happy with free stuff, right?
Happy Birthday, Joseph!
Happy Birthday, Joseph!
Happy Birthday, Joseph!
Happy Birthday, Joseph!
Joseph is a very happy, cheerful boy and always willing to make a new friend.  He just made friends with a neighbor boy and is so happy to have his very own friend that lives just next door.  We're grateful to have Joseph as part of our family!

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