Books Magazine

Happy Birthday, Jane Austen! Alexa Adams, Writer

By Mariagrazia @SMaryG
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JANE AUSTEN! ALEXA ADAMS, WRITERWhat would your life had been without Jane Austen? How my life would be different with out Jane Austen ... Without Jane Austen to guide me towards the path of moral rectitude, I'm not sure I would have become a person whom I could respect. She entered my life when I was in a period of ambivalence and despondency. Without the good examples of Anne Elliot and Elinor Dashwood, I would probably have grown into a resentful adult, burdened with an unproductive and self-defeating sense of entitlement. Instead, I learned to accept my burdens with grace and continuously strive to be a better person than I currently am. Thank you, my dear Miss Austen, for setting me on the correct path, and a very happy birthday to you!  Alexa

About the Author, Alexa AdamsA devoted reader of Jane Austen since her childhood, Alexa Adams is the author of Tales of Less Pride and Prejudice, Emma & Elton: Something Truly Horrid, Jane & Bingley: Something Slightly Unsettling, and the short story collection And Who Can be in Doubt of What Followed?: The Novels of Jane Austen Continued. Alexa resides in Delaware with her husband, daughter, and cat. She blogs about Austen and Austenesque literature at
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