Wishing Hazel a happy 8th birthday!
Hazel is sweet as the biggest piece of birthday cake! I was in Orlando, Florida attending the VMX 2023 Veterinary Conference and spent a week away from Hazel. It really makes you appreciate your pets more when you are separated from them. I missed her so much. I returned to Canada just in time to celebrate the most asymmetrical Saint Bernese's 8th birthday!
Hazel has defied all the odds and made it past age five. She is happy and healthy, and despite her injury and frequent health problems, she remains in fantastic shape. She is a genuine underdog. Hazel has taught me a valuable lesson: Folks may underestimate me, but as long as I never give up and keep a positive attitude, I'll beat the odds and surprise them all! It's one of the many lessons she has taught me in the past eight years that I've been blessed to call her MY dog.
She inspires me each day. To be a more loving person. To laugh more than I frown. And most of all, to cherish and enjoy every moment that life blesses me with- ESPECIALLY if there is food involved! Happy Birthday to my sweet baby bear! You're my old lady dog! I know the following years of your life will likely be tough, but together we can make it through anything. I love you, Hazel!
Want to wish Hurricane Hazel a happy birthday? Post in the comments! I'll pass your message on, along with a kiss and a cuddle!

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