Elizabeth turned one this week. I know it's cliche to say, but I can't believe how fast the time has passed. It's a been a strange first year, as Elizabeth was only four months old when covid hit, so the past eight months have been compressed down to a few weeks.

I was a little sad the night before her birthday, as I rocked my last baby before putting her down to bed. Now all our children are __ years old and will be from here on. But, I suppose all children grow up and there's nothing we can do to stop them.

To celebrate Elizabeth's birthday, we made applesauce. When Eleanor asked if we could do something fun to celebrate, she was very disappointed to find out that babies don't get fun things on their birthdays because they don't know what a birthday is anyway.

We made Elizabeth a cake today, lit a candle, and sung to her. She was fairly puzzled about the entire experience and graciously allowed her siblings to blow out the candle for her. Her kind grandmother sent her a gift, which she enjoyed very much.

Elizabeth is a (usually) very happy baby, mostly content to crawl around the house looking for interesting things to explore. She has recently discovered the pleasure of trash cans and can often be found in the bathroom with her treasures spread around her on the floor. I unwisely taught her how to climb up stairs, so she has access to all floors of the house and can make bigger messes.

Recently she has begun preferring Sophia to me, which makes my heart die a little bit each time she pushes me away when I go to pick her up. On a few occasions, she's started crying when I took her away from her favorite sister. I have no one to blame myself, however, as I have the children help out a lot with the baby. Such is the life as a seventh child.

Everyone adores Elizabeth, and there is usually no shortage of children vying for her attention. Joseph loves to push her in the swing, Eleanor enjoys dressing her up, William will show her books, Edwin spins her around while she giggles wildly, Kathleen takes her on walks almost every afternoon, and Sophia will pick her up every time she cries (which probably explains the preference).

We are all happy to have Elizabeth as part of our family. Happy Birthday!