Destinations Magazine

Happiness Refuge

By Coreyamaro

Happiness Refuge

The incredible happiness of sharing a beautiful place with someone I love. I cannot even begin to tell you the joy I feel. I haven't seen my friend Cheryl in a few years, and I do not even want to think about how long it might be before we will see each other again. So for now I won't. I will focus only on this moment, here and now.

Holding this time as sacred, true as a bountiful happiness refuge.

Happiness Refuge

Paris is aimlessly beautiful. No matter where we are there is something to take our breath away, stir our imagination, heal the moments of doubt that are in all of us, and remind us again and again to hold on to this moment, plant it deep inside, cultivate the richness friendship... I am so happy to share this time with my friend.

Happiness Refuge

Dancing in the middle of the square.

Happiness Refuge

Without counting or care Cheryl danced around and around. And as she did I clicked away.

Thirty some years is a long time to know someone. How many people can say that? How many people can gain that type of love and know that it will never end?

The fortunate ones.

The ones who believe.

The ones who give without counting.

The ones who love back.

Happiness Refuge

I might have to keep her in France.

Though I doubt her family will allow me to.

Angel detail facade Paris

A detail on a facade in Paris. How many people has it seen in the last three hundred years?

Happiness bound

Two women

One in bronze

One in flesh.

In front of the Louvre on a wet summer day.

Cheryl and I have a thing for churches.

We walked in many.

We went to mass at Notre Dame, sat in front. But then I started to feel sick and we had to walk down the long aisle before the Eucharist. 

Today I am feeling slightly better.

Happiness bound

The beauty of it all.

Standing strong and true.

Leading us forward.

Happiness Refuge
Happiness Refuge
Happiness Refuge
Happiness Refuge
Happiness Refuge
Happiness Refuge

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