And you know what? The good thing is I always feel that everyday is a brand new beginning. A window for me to open up and try harder. A new gush of hope, confidence and positivity. I can either keep lamenting on the past; or I can try my utmost to make the future count. So, I naturally try to do the latter while not forgetting to cherish the present.
It's the same as every year passes me by. I hope, I so earnestly hope, to make this year better than the last. In this month's "Happiness is...", it's about starting anew and hopefully we are off to a great start.

January has been a particularly tough and busy month for us because we have officially moved into our new nest. Yes. we have successfully shifted everything over after two lorry loads and over a dozen car loads of barang barang. Considering that the hubby has been too busy with work to help with the unpacking, I had a sense of achievement after I managed to unpack over 70 boxes of stuff and more importantly, find a home for every single item despite not having a storeroom in the house. Hooray!!!

It hasn't really been easy though because as usual, I always had these three sticking to me in whatever I do. Even when the two sisters are in school, I will still have the clingy koala with me and trust me when I say that he makes the best kind of superglue. Yup, this baby now whines whenever I go more than three steps away from him and even tugs at my leg when I cook or pee.

On some days, we miraculously get a lot of work done. On others, we create more messes and I have to spend even more time tidying up after. For now, I'm trying to teach the girls to help in the household chores so they have been helping me with the mountains of laundry and washing of dirty dishes. Yes yes, no helper so they have to step up and be my best helpers, right?

After so many weeks of designing, planning, executing, in addition to the headaches that come with problem solving, plus making endless trips to and fro and enduring all the renovation works with the kiddos, it's really a relief to see our dream house coming true bit by bit. I keep telling myself that it's all gonna be worth it and I feel so ever thankful to the kids for being my best companions, cheerleaders and confidante. Yes, Mummy is never, ever lonely with you all around! Thank you for putting up with me, my phone that never stopped ringing, my shorter fuse than usual, my busy days and nights, and I'm so sorry if I neglected any of you in any way.

Well, I'm not going to go on and on about the house in this post because I have so much to say and that's going to come in the A Happy Home series. So if you are interested to read more, then stay tuned to all our updates! What I do want to say here is that I'm glad we are slowly settling down and starting anew in our new home. I've a feeling we are going to make so many awesome memories here as a family and I'm so looking forward to that.

In other updates, the little girl has removed her stitches and is recovering well, thank you very much. I know there's going to be a scar left behind and it will always remind me to treasure my kids and be a good mom to them. Thank you, dear Ariel, for being a trooper and for not complaining a single bit since the night you fell. I never thought you would be this brave and it just shows how you kids can amaze me time and again with your courage and determination.

We've also resumed our mom and kids outings because it just gets so boring to stay home all day, right? For a start, we went for our first theatrical show of the year and that is Stick Man at KidsFest 2017. It's now a tad challenging to handle the baby who is starting to learn to walk, likes to jump and crawl all over, and needs an endless supply of snacks to keep him in his seat. It'll get better, I tell myself, it'll all get better soon.

The little sister was told that she couldn't swim for a good two weeks due to her stitches so I made up for that by bringing them for water play. We love the rooftop playground at Compass One because of the very fun slide and the different elements of play for the kids to explore. (read our review of the Ninja Trail here).

We had a huge family gathering on the third day of lunar new year at where else but our new home, of course! Thanks to the in laws who cooked many yummy dishes, to the hubby who prepared a steamboat and to the over 55 guests who came over, it was a joyous and memorable occasion for all of us. Even my 84-year-old granny and the hubby's 100-year-old (yes, that's right, a full century!) granny made an effort to come over and we were so very touched!

Looking forward to the rest of 2017 and may everyone enjoy the rest of the CNY period!