If I see a book with the word ‘happiness’ or ‘happy’ in the title, more likely than not that’s a book that I am going to read. More likely than not, I will even like the book. Not the case with Every Day a Friday by Joel Osteen. I confess I only read the first five pages or so and I did not give it a good chance, but the idea thathappiness is a choice rubs me the wrong way. If being happy came down to simply deciding to be happy, my life would have been a whole lot easier. I’ve tried my damnedest to be happy, even recognising the incredible blessings I have in my life and everything that I have to be grateful for, and I’ve still found myself feeling completely overwhelmed and wanting to end it all. So no, I don’t believe happiness is a ”choice”, at least not for those of us who struggle with depression. I do believe that trying to find the best in every situation can eventually lead to good things. I believe it’s important to not let the little daily irritations really get to you, but to just brush them off. I think it’s really important to remember that most people’s issues are all about themselves, and not about you, so don’t take it all so personally. But when you’re dealing with depression, it takes a long time to get to the point where you can consciously and easily decide to choose happiness, and get a positive result. Until you have walked a mile in my shoes, don’t tell me that happiness is a choice.