Subsequently, you might have guessed how the story unrolled. When Ariel's coughing didn't get improve after two weeks and seemed to be worsening, we took her to the doctor. The first doctor merely gave her some cough and phlegm syrup. When all of that did not help, I took her to a second doctor who diagnosed her with tonsillitis and suggested using nasal drips and solutions to clear it up which he said would then cure the cough.
As to why I did not bring her to her pediatrician, well, once when I tried to bring Angel there for a consultation, they said they give priority to newborns and those with vaccinations appointments. So, cases like mine would have a waiting time of 6-8 hours from the time I register. So, I usually don't bring the kids there when they have the flu, cough or fever.
Anyway, on our third visit to the doctor, this time round we visited a family clinic since everyone in the household had already fallen sick, we realised that while Angel only had a bad cough and phlegm, upon a closer examination on the little sister, this helpful female doctor informed me that her phlegm had already traveled to her left lung, causing Ariel to contract pneumonia. She was immediately prescribed with antibiotics and medicine for productive coughs.
It was a case of might as well when I decided to have myself checked too. The doctor took my temperature and said "Do you know you are running a high fever?" Ok, obviously I didn't as my mind was only on getting the right medicine for Ariel. Anyway, I ended going home with five types of tablet medicine.
The first night after I saw the doctor, there was this sharp, unbearable pain I started to feel in my chest every single time I coughed. Since it was so painful, I tried to suppress the coughing which, of course, only made it worse and it became a vicious cycle, Cough, pain, cough, pain, cough, pain. It was the first time I felt that in 31 years and a check with the doctor next morning confirmed that I had contracted bronchitis. Not only did it take away almost all my energy, I also felt breathless, loss of appetite and was constantly tired no matter what I did, even if I did nothing.
It is good that blogging does not require any vocals because you see, I have lost my voice for now and my hubby must be relieved that the constant nagging has become constant whispering. Anyway, I have him to thank for taking leave to help look after the kids on the first day of the week, giving me ample time to rest and recharge.
That night, he was so worn out and asked me this question when we were in bed "Just how do you do it every day?" I laughed out loud because hello, I was the one who vacuumed, mopped and did the laundry that day so I thought I had relieved him of some burden. All he did was cook two meals, bathed and took care of the kids for half the day. It was a 'Welcome to my life' kind of feeling and his words instantly made me feel better and motivated me to recover soon just so I could be the mom I wish to be to my kids again.
So you can see, this month's "Happiness is" is a little more unusual. For now, my happiness is looking forward to the end of the ordeal, especially for the little one who can cough till she vomits in the middle of the night and that just seriously breaks my heart.
These are some of the little rainbows we are hoping to achieve when the rain stops and all of us are feeling in the pink of health.
1) Build sandcastles and have a picnic at the beach
2) Visit Port of Lost Wonder at Sentosa
3) Teach Angel to cycle
4) Go to the zoo
5) Go shopping for groceries and make cute-looking bentos
6) Catch up with friends and family
7) Go for evening runs to prepare Angel for the Cold Storage Kids Run
8) Have more messy art and craft sessions
9) Go for badminton sessions as a family
10) Explore a place we have never been to in Singapore

Just thinking about all these is making me feel excited and I can't wait to bring the kids out again. I know, I just know, May is gonna be such an awesome month, isn't it?

What are you HAPPY for this month?
Happy memories have a special way of touching our hearts every time we think about them. Join in my linky party at the end of every month and let us smile, rejoice and share the simple joys of life. Highlight and press Ctrl + C to copy my button above, include it in your post/sidebar and add your link below. For happiness is all around us.