Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Hantavirus is Serious, What Precautions Can You Take?

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

Alert: New Mexico Health Department confirms fatality in NorthWest New Mexico.

Hantavirus is a deadly disease transmitted by infected rodents through urine, droppings or saliva. People can contract the disease when they breathe in aerosolized virus.

CDC Hantavirus site


  1. Seal the home or cabin
  2. Trap or use outside rodent bait/trap stations to reduce numbers, I also suggest TickBoxes.
  3. Reduce food sources, don’t leave out dog/cat food.
  4. Don’t allow clutter to get the best of your home.
  5. Trim trees and bushes.
  6. When cleaning cabins or homes, use a dust mask and follow the CDC guidelines on cleaning.
  7. Rodents cause other issues, be safe and follow CDC guidelines.


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