Hanging with Hazel: The ups and downs of working from home

You all know me- I'm Hazel. I'm having the best time being a big city dog. Mum is disappointed that the rona is still pretty bad. I pretend that it bothers me too, but I have a secret. The rona is the best thing that has ever happened to a big city dog like me. Before the rona mom used to leave me all day. She would go somewhere called 'work' and come back with all kinds of weird smells I didn't recognize. And I'm pretty sure she was eating food without sharing it with me! Since the rona got bad she is with me every day working from home! Now I'm not just a big city dog- I'm a big career dog! Mum and I work from home together, which is mostly great because mom doesn't eat any food without my strict oversight. But it does have its challenges.
Mum gets up really early. I'm not always ready to get up at that time. I just want to sleep and snuggle. Lucky for me she checks her email before she gets out of bed, so I can have some extra snuggle time.

Then mom gets dressed. This worried me at first because she used to do the same thing before she left me. But this time was different. She sat in front of her computer and talked to it. The crazy thing is, the computer talked back! She calls it 'meetings.' I don't really like meetings because meetings never talks to me, and meetings takes all of mum's attention.

After meetings, it's lunchtime! Lunchtime is my favorite part of working from home. Mum always saves a little bit of lunch to share with me. I just have to wait patiently. I guess our lunchtimes are staggered. After all of our hard work, we deserve a break. Especially me!

When we finish lunch mom works really hard. She types on her computer. It makes a lot of noise so I try not to make any noise. I work hard too. I bring her my work to show her. Look how well I chewed my toy! But she's really busy and doesn't have time to edit my work. I'm disappointed that she can't play with me, but I'm still glad she's home and she only smells like me.

I get an extra walk now that we work from home. I used to have to wait all day! Now I just ask for a walk over and over until mom finally gives in. She always gives in eventually, if I turn up the cute! I'm working really hard on being extra cute. I call it going above and beyond my job description. That's a good thing, right?

It has been a few months now since mom and I started working from home and I feel like we really got into a routine. I'm doing a better job of waking up early. I even help mom check her emails now! She must appreciate it because she always says my name real loud when I do it.

I'm even participating in meetings! Sometimes I hear meetings say my name. Meetings talked to me! Maybe I got a promotion? Now that I'm in meetings I get a little extra attention from mom. Meetings doesn't seem to mind.

I'm even getting better at lunchtime. I've learned that if I sit farther away from mom I get more snacks. This was tough at first because I like to work as a team, but at lunchtime, mom likes to work independently.

Sometimes when mom is working I watch her. I like to look at her and I think she likes it too because she smiles at me.

I know she thinks I'm watching her because I love her, which is true. But I'm also watching her to make sure she gets her work done. Someone needs to supervise her, after all.

The end of the workday is fun because we get to do things on my schedule. No more Zoom (which is nothing like zoomies, just so you know) and no more typing. Five o'clock means mom clocks out of work time and cocks in for snuggle time. It's an important job that requires a lot of attention and focus. Snuggles are in high demand. Snuggle time doesn't come with breaks, or a raise, or annual reviews. Snuggle time is all about Hazel, the working dog. During snuggle time, I'm the boss. Time to get to work!

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