I came back from a vacation in the Hudson Valley on Saturday and hung seventeen abstract paintings in a new exhibit at the famous vegetarian restaurant, Moosewood, on Sunday. Luckily my daughter helped, and she's the one who climbed up and down the ladder.
I brought twenty paintings because it's always good to have extra to choose from. Each of the spaces available was slightly different--some paintings needed to work together--and some needed to fit into the background environment. I usually do not exhibit in restuarants because I feel people come to eat, not to look at art, but Moosewood gets a lot of tourists in the summer and the restaurant provides an environtment which shows off the paintings well.
My exhibit is a joint one with folk artist Mary Michael Shelley, whose work I love. Check out her art blog, where she describes her process of woodcarving and painting.
Here's a photo from Moosewood with one of my paintings fitting into a background of plants:

Here's another one looking down from the entry stairs:

The exhibit will be up for the month of July, so come to see the show, eat one of Moosewood's famous vegetarian meals, or pick up one of their cookbooks to make your own.