Community Magazine

Halloween {Finally a Holiday Where We Don't Look Like Freaks!}

By Thibben @aspieadventures

Halloween {Finally a holiday where we don't look like freaks!}

Last Years Halloween Costume

     So like a lot of you who are just as sick & twisted as me Halloween/Fall is my favorite time of year! Not just because my kids are odd ducks, not just because of the awesome fall weather, but because like some people shine when it comes to buying amazing birthday or christmas gifts my kids shine when it comes to being creative with their Halloween decorating & all around look for this time of year.

Case in point:
Every year we visit the local pumpkin patch around the first of Oct to pick out a big one to carve up! Throughout the patch there are wooden cut outs in cute shapes to have your kids pose with for some great classic memory book worthy pictures...Not for my kids! You give us a smiling pumpkin cut out we'll give you this:
Halloween {Finally a holiday where we don't look like freaks!}

     After about 357 million "LOOK AT THIS ONE DADDY!" we finally decided on one that was just right for us & headed home. While I was at work a day or so before Samantha got brave & took them all out to the front porch for a little pumpkin art. I like that Jayden gets so intense while painting, take a look below at the photos he looks so calm. They really enjoy stuff like this!
Halloween {Finally a holiday where we don't look like freaks!}

Halloween {Finally a holiday where we don't look like freaks!}
Autism: When you aren't sure if the look on his face is determination to get the brush clean, him being uncomfortable about the change in water color, or maybe he has to go never know!
Halloween {Finally a holiday where we don't look like freaks!}
Purple, one of the scariest colors out there!
Halloween {Finally a holiday where we don't look like freaks!}

Halloween {Finally a holiday where we don't look like freaks!}
It may be the over protective dad in me but I could just sit & look at this kid do mundane tasks all day long! 
Halloween {Finally a holiday where we don't look like freaks!}

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