Do you take your dog(s) trick or treating or dress them up for a doggie Halloween Party? Is your dog going as a bewitching, spell casting, potion making, crystal ball fortune telling, magic maker? a Halloween wicked witch? a cool cat? a spooky skeleton, pumpkin or creepy corpse? Take a photo and send it in and you just might win !

2012 Dog Fence DIY Halloween Dog Costume Photo Contest
Micro phase winner: one (1) $25 Target Gift Card
Grand prize – $500 Target gift card.
All participating photos from the micro contests will be featured in a special Halloween gallery where viewers may comment and vote for their favorite hound.Participants will be able to comment on their favorite. Participants may promote their own dog by sharing links on their Facebook, Twitter or whatever they need to do to get people to cast their vote for their hound.The participant with the most votes by 8pm EST on November 12, 2012 will be declared the winner.“Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.”

posted on 10 April at 00:30
The pirate costume is the best. The dog pulls of the costume and the eye patch makes me laugh. I would love to dress up my dog for Halloween.