Entertainment Magazine

Haley Heynderickx – ‘Seed of a Seed’

Posted on the 30 July 2024 by Spectralnights
Haley Heynderickx – ‘Seed of a Seed’Photo Credit:  Evan Benally Atwood

Haley Heynderickx has shared ‘Seed of a Seed’, her first new solo material since 2018’s sublime ‘I Need to Start a Garden’ album. It’s a song that finds Haley following her ‘desire for simplicity’ and searching for peace in a world that seems to do everything it can to disrupt this.

Opening with hushed strums and Haley talking about not knowing any better, there’s soon exquisite strings as she pines for a ‘silent night’ and ‘if I’m lucky, maybe a glass of wine… maybe a hand next to mine’. It’s a subtle and strong 2 and a half minutes about how much we could all do with getting back to nature and living a ‘simple life’.

Haley Heynderickx – ‘Seed of a Seed’ video

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