Curling straight hair can be a pain at the best of times, but using rollers can make things especially tricky. Most of the time hair just doesn't stay put, or hair ends up in a huge tangle. Boots Essential Bendy Rollers do make things a bit easier though. Made of wire encased in foam tubes, all you need to do is roll up the hair and then twist the ends together, and voila, they stay put. They're also really easy to undo again, just untwist the top and roll them out for lovely curls.
You can buy them from Boots online or in stores.
Flexi Rods are basically self explanatory. They are a simple wet set curling rod that flexes and bends to hold the roller in place that creates a spiral like curl.They can be used on wet hair or dry hair, and you can vary how tight you want the curls by how tight you wind them. You get eight in a box, but if you've got thicker or longer hair, you might need more. At 7.00 a box the bendy rollers are definitely a cheap way to curl your hair.They come in a range of colors & sizes that allow you to have small tight curls to large wavy curls . To achieve a longer & smoother last curl rod either wet or damp hair.

Apply the styling lotion or gel to the hair and roll the hair at an angle . They are great for adding curls to straight hair and defining curls for natural hair. If you want to have the sexy Teyana Taylor & Kim Kardashian Curl hot curl your hair with a hot curler and roll the hair with the flexi rod (found that on youtube) I tried it my hair last a week!