With growing numbers website security is being tested and are being hacked by anonymous computer users with nothing better to do than cause havoc to innocent website owners.
A few minor items to remember:
1. Always use the latest applications and plugins. Most updates address security vulnerabilities.
2. Protect your shared hosting account passwords and change them regularly.
3. Check your hosting company. Recently, shared hosts have been targets of hackers because of the sheer volume of their accounts. Make sure they have your best interests in mind and provide 24-hour backups of your data, plus server-side security like firewalls.
4. Protect your dynamic website's configuration files using htaccess which is a password protection scheme used by Apache Web Servers.
5. Applications like the popular Wordpress CMS have third party plugins that can scan the content of your website for intrusions.
6. Backup your clean website and database and make sure whoever is authorized to access the site has a secure environment.
Keep up to date with the Internet and especially it's security: http://www.brecorder.com/it-a-computers/206/1241617/
Frank Beecham
Mystique Creative