In a very disturbing story being reported by the Daily Caller, a military veteran who is also a decorated retired police detective is suing New York Gov Andrew Cuomo and other state officials for infringing on his God given rights after he had his pistol permit revoked and his four handguns confiscated by the NY police under the 2013 NY SAFE act. David Montgomery’s problems all began on May 6, 2014 when he was having Insomnia issues and sought treatment from his primary care physician. A few days later Mr. Montgomery went to the emergency room at Eastern Long Island hospital still complaining about his Insomnia. unfortunately for him, the staff diagnosed him with “Depression; Insomnia” and prescribed medication and told him he should go back to his Primary Care Dr if symptoms got worse over the next few days.
He went back to the hospital on May 23 with the same complaint and stayed at the hospital for 48 hrs. Although Montgomery voluntarily sought treatment, he alleges in the suit that staff at the facility erroneously listed him as an involuntary admission — a designation that appears to have put the SAFE Act’s wheels in motion.
Veteran And Former Cop Sues After Guns Confiscated Because He Sought Treatment For Insomnia
A veteran of the U.S. Navy and decorated retired police detective is suing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other state officials for infringing on his constitutional rights after his pistol permit and four handguns were confiscated after he voluntarily sought hospital treatment for insomnia.
Donald Montgomery filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York in Rochester on Dec. 17.
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