Expat Magazine

Guide To Viagra and Kamagra in Thailand

By Harvie

Disclaimer: the following topic about Viagra in Thailand is purely fictional and should not be taken as advice or information. Erectile dysfunction pills should be used with caution and after a proper consultation with your doctor or GP first. The following is a made up story for entertainment purposes only.

When I ask 20-35 year olds whether they take Viagra in Thailand, this is their usual reply:
Guide To Viagra and Kamagra in Thailand

This is followed by how they have no problems getting it up, last for hours and how viagra/kamagra in Thailand is only for old people, and they have no reason to take it in a super defensive tone of voice.

I'll then ask if they have ever tried it before, to which they reply no.

To say Viagra in Thailand is only for old people, or you don't see the point in taking it because you can get it up, is like people who say they aren't drinking alcohol on a night out because they are cutting, or that weed is bad for you. Fuck off m8.

You don't use Viagra/ Kamagra because you have erectile dysfunction

Wait, no that's not exactly true, most of the world uses it for that reason.

Let me rephrase that:

"Young people should not use Viagra or Kamagra to cure erectile dysfunction, they should use it because it makes sex even better" - A Farang Abroad

Let me paint you a picture.

Guide To Viagra and Kamagra in Thailand

Hmm scrap that, I'm not good with pictures. Allow me to use the common language to portray my point.

Partying with your friends in Bangkok is awesome, but it's even more awesome when you're all drinking alcohol and have a buzz.

A date is fun, but it's even better when you and her have sank a few cold ones and are getting touchy feely.

Going to the gym to get swole is a good feeling, but you feel even better lifting weights when you're full of energy because of the steroids or pre-work supplement you took moments before.

Sex is amazing, but it's even more fucking amazing when you take Viagra.

Just like alcohol enhances your date or night out, or how a pre-workout supplement makes your workout that much better, Viagra enhances your sexual experience.

Taking Viagra is 20% being able to last longer and 80% making the entire experience better for both parties involved.

The connection you have with your partner is much more, and your enjoyment will go up by 40%.

Caution: Never go full retard

If you're under 50 and have no erectile dysfunction issues, never take a full tablet of Viagra or full sachet of Kamagra.

Taking an entire dose of Viagra is like going to a knife fight with a nuclear bomb, 14 ninjas and 3 mammoths elephants with missiles on their back. Everyone is about to get fucked.

One full dose can stay in your system for up to 72 hours depending on the quality of your stuff, it's overkill.

I suggest never taking more than 25% of a tablet in one go, you can always take more later as it only takes 30mins or less to kick in.

This is open to debate but I also don't suggest you take the pill all the time, 2-3 times per year is fine, although I know people who take frequently.

Types of Viagra you can find in Thailand

1. Viagra (sildenafil)

Is the original dick pill, usually the most expensive and probably the safest of all dick pills to take. Takes around 30 minutes to kick in.

Guide To Viagra and Kamagra in ThailandPrice: 300b for a pack of 4.

2. Cilas (tadalafil)

Cialis is a generic version of Viagra and can be found in certain night markets in Thailand. Takes around 30 mintues to kick in.

It works fine and in fact can be stronger than Viagra. You can read more about it here.

Price: 250b pack of 4.

3. Kamagra

Kamagra is a generic Viagra knockoff that comes in jelly sachets, usually imported from India.

It works well and comes in about 5-6 flavors. You simply drink the jelly and within 10-15 minutes it starts to work.

Guide To Viagra and Kamagra in Thailand

Per sachet: 80-100b (50-60b each if you buy in bulk).

4. Grakcu

From my list Grakcu is the only one you'll find in most pharmacies.

The contents of each tablet is said to be 100% herbal ingredients, but it's just as strong as the others. I was told by my chemist that he thinks they add sildenafil too it.

Guide To Viagra and Kamagra in Thailand

Price: 450b for a pack of 6.

Watch out for fakes

To obtain Viagra or any of the above (except Grakcu as it's herbal) in Thailand you need to get a prescription from a doctor.

You can find all of the above and more at various night markets in Thailand, but be careful of fakes.

From my own experience and the feedback of close friends, most of the items they buy from these markets tends to be legit, but that doesn't mean it all is.

You can do a quick Google to see if what you have is the real thing or not by comparing photos of the pill and packaging.

The side effects are real

Erectile dysfunction pills do come with side effects, people I know get a bright red face after taking a full retard amount, while others get headaches or prolonged boners.

You should also avoid if you have liver or kidney problems as these organs are used to break the tablets down and they can be quite harsh, oh and heart problems too as it does increase your heart rate.

You can find all the side effects to taking Viagra in Thailand by clicking here.

To finish up

Have you taken Viagra in Thailand before? Leave a comment below with your experiences.

Disclaimer: this article is purely fictional and should not be taken as advice or factual information. Please consult with a professional GP or doctor before taking Viagra or any other erectile dysfunction pill. This article was written for entertainment purposes only.

About Author

Guide To Viagra and Kamagra in Thailand

Hey, thanks for reading my blog. I'm Harvie, a digital nomad who has been living in Thailand for a little over 5 years now primarily living in Bangkok.

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