Congratulating your friends with their birthdays may come to you as a problem only in cases when you manage to remember the actual dates. No matter what people say about not carrying if they are or not congratulated on their birthdays they care what happens on their birthdays anyway, they care who calls, what they say and how they say it, but most certainly they care of who did not call, did not say anything, did not care.
And I cal tell, these assumptions were made based on my experience and on what I have been observing for a lifetime now.
Nowadays you can afford having a bad memory, there are tools like Facebook Events to remind you of upcoming birthdays of people who really know that the only thing worse than being over the being buried under it. (dark humor)
Now that you know who are having their birthdays soon, the least you can do is write on their Facebook wall or simply send an SMS containing a lame "Happy Birthday".
But that type of message is a proof of lack of originality on your side or even worse, did it just for the sake of doing it.
Editing a congratulating message don't hesitate to include in that message bits of your personality, also include a few words that will describe the person that is message is written for, making it this way personal.
Try writing a few phrases in an original way, ex.:
"May every raindrop that falls in your palm signify the luck of having true friends always by your side, the number of these raindrops to be the happy moments with your loved ones, the clarity of the raindrops bring the bright future to you, the future full of pleasant surprises and lots of success, and most importantly never forget that disregarding rainy days or shinny days, I'm gonna be there for you, in person or in my thoughts, and ending I'm gonna add a clichéd "Happy Birthday""
If you are a person who likes to through jokes around and be sarcastic that may come in handy:
"Happy B-day sweetie, wish you well, never forget, there is always someone who worries about you and is not your mom, or your cousin and definitely not president Obama, I'm sure you'll figure it out who :) never forget there is always someone who keeps fingers crossed for you, be good and behave, show the best of you like I taught you :-p and most of all, don't forget you'll always have me :D Happy B-day !!!
p.s. gosh , you're getting so old :D "
Originality - a quality that is always highly appreciated, when congratulating somebody do it right, do it with dedication, don't just send an empty message with no meaningfulness which is gonna bring unpleasant emotions rather than positive ones, and if it's what you mean to do you better not do it at all rather than giving the false impression of giving a s*it.
Hope this article contributed to making this world a better place to live in.
Have a nice day. Cheers.
P.S. My birthday is on July 6, just in case :)
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